It's a new year. Hopefully a much better year than 2018 for me. Not much is happening with me, although I'm trying to write a bit more. One problem I'm having is that lynx 2.8.9 on my local machine will not connect to IDK why. UMN Gopher browser seems to work fine with it. I'm guessing there's some sort of issue translating some gopher code to HTML (at least that's what I believe Lynx does with Gopher when I view the source code), but Lynx 2.8.8 works fine on SDF to view this, so... whatever. It's just another bump on the road. Another compatibility issue with hopefully just my local box is that it takes a very long time, like 2-3 minutes, to ssh into republic. Again, I have no idea why. I thought it might be an issue with my ISP, but considering UMN gopher gets there just fine, I doubt it. I'm still discovering new old CLI programs and tweaking my .bash_profile. A word of advice: do NOT put "rm" shortcuts in your .bash_profile. Ever. I created a umount shortcut to simulate Thunar File Manager's mount/unmount and I assumed "umount $1;rm -r $1" would wait for the unmount before rm'ing. Not really. Lost a lot of video and audio, although most had been backed up, so I wasn't totally devastated like the time my external HD bay which had ALL of my backup HDs decided to have power issues and blanked the drive, I didn't lose a bunch of memories and thankfully my idiotic password storage file was not lost. I'm pretty terrible with backups, at least physical ones. Live and learn, I guess, although I don't really learn much besides (ab)using Alphabet's free Photos storage to back up all my images/videos. /abruptendramble