Unsung Heroes The bards will not sing of this day. After a couple days getting into ed and edbrowse, both of which are about as useful for text editing and web browsing, respectively, as Morse code is for aural communication. But it pointed me somehow to Bram Moolenaar, a man that has had a profound effect on my life which I've never realized until I found out he wrote vim. That's amazing. Tim Berners-Lee (less unsung), Anklesaria and McCahill, von Tetzchner, Montulli and Rezac and Grobe, Andreesen and Bina, and so many more are creators that I've only known by a part of their work impacting my life and the lives of many others. When people think of computers, people think of Gates, Jobs, and Zuckerberg. They were great innovators, but so many software devs and creators are just not recognized nearly as much. I confess most of the names above I had to look up myself. It's amazing how much work and collaboration have come about and advanced computer technology, and it's somewhat sad that so many of the pioneers' names are unrecognized. I think one of the most amazing things about the computer science field is so many of those pioneers are still living, breathing people that you could actually meet. Mathematicians have no hope of meeting Descartes. Astronomers now can't shake Galileo's hand. But so many computer pioneers are out there right now. It's amazing how many everyday unsung heroes there are in the tech world now.