WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Season 2, 21, and 28 of Survivor (US) I'm going for a bit of a different post. I'm rewatching Survivor Season 21, which I posted some about in a spoiler-filled digest[0] of the series on my SDF gopherhole. Just watching it again, it feels like a criminally underrated season. I'm at the Final 7 episode and just loving seeing Fabio, the "dumb blonde" of the show, execute an amazing endgame run of immunities and just absolutely crap all over some smug and morally ambiguous people. Fabio may just be my favorite champion, although there's probably some recency bias in there. I just love it when a contestant *wins* and *earns* his/her way to the Final Tribal Council. I generally *hate* the ones who just weasel there way there, or worse, are dragged there because they're so repulsive the one dragging them knows they'll be no threat at the FTC. One of the saddest things that turned me off of Survivor for a while was the Season 2 outcome of Colby Donaldson, an absolute beast at challenges, lose because he chose the high road. Same thing happened in Cagayan. 0. gopher://sdf.org/1/users/netpassport89/txt/tv/survivor.txt