WARNING: Rant/Language about the iPhone X I'm Team Android because as a kid I had the misfortune of using Apple computers at home. No games, no compatibility, forced isolationism. It was a chore to transfer files between Macs at home and Windows machines at school. My new job involves setting up phones for phone customers, mostly because they broke theirs because the dumbasses figured that putting a phone that costs a grand on the back of their truck, in a boat, or in other stupid places without a lick of case or screen protection.Fucking morons. But the iDiots buying them are not my rant today. No, no. I'm ranting about the piece of shit UI/UX designers and fucking pompous retards who undeservedly have a salary better than most Americans. They got rid of the Home button. Let me repeat that. They *GOT RID OF THE HOME BUTTON!* What the flying fuck? The first time I used the fucking abomination I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. Hold down power, right? No, this is fucking Apple. Eat, breathe, shit different. No, you have to hold Power AND the Volume Up button. REAL INTUITIVE, APPLE! Fucking morons. Everything... EVERYTHING is now swipe gestures. Absolute garbage. I can't fucking wait for these iDiot UI/UX devs to get rid of all the buttons, speaker vents, everything so you just have a giant slab of glass and silicon. The iDiot consumers will still buy it even though it costs $30,000, sounds like absolute shit, can't be charged without a $9 million wireless charging station, and can't be turned on because the power button is a soft button. The worst thing about these iDiots? They're making/pricing/buying phones at these gouged prices and other companies like Google and Samsung are pricing their hardware higher in response. Fuck you, iDiots. Fuck you for all time.