WARNING: Sad post So I work in phone replacement. I unfortunately don't do any repairs, just replacement, but I see a disturbing trend in the tech sector that's led, of course, by Apple: planned obsolescence and disposable tech. It's gross. It's disgusting. Making phones that cost $1500 that are supposed to be thrown away when they're broken. Not "if." When. They've been doing things to minimize and eliminate a user's ability to repair their own devices, including independent repair shops. It's creating waste in the name of profit, and it's really a horrible thing to do. Their newest shenanigans include marking batteries as unhealthy if they're replaced, even if they're replaced with another brand-new iPhone battery from another iPhone. Now, that's not to say Apple's alone in pushing sales over repairs, but they are the worst and it's been seeping into other companies' policies to my dismay. Greed is ruining the world. Ignorant consumers are buying this bullcrap and shoveling the crap on top of the crap pile. Several Apple users I've talked to say they don't necessarily like the company but they buy the products anyway because "they like the OS." I can't even...