So today I was running through my digital archives and of course, as a student, I had a lot of .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, etc. office files. I remember that for "compatibility" I would always save in the non x format. How wasteful was my youth before I realized that vim and other text editors like Notepad could do the same thing? Honestly the Powerpoints are probably the most worthless: I think maybe once I embedded music or something, but very rarely did it need to be anything more than a PDF. That gets me (although back then PDFs seemed to be less write-able than PPTs). I've converted a lot of them to plain text files. I could/should write some sort of script to do it automatically, but I'm too lazy to look it up *shrug*. I do remember having to save my projects as RTFs because Macs and Windows machines still didn't like talking to each other and everything sucked with the education system teaching us MS Office instead of awesome stuff like vim or IDEs. Can you tell I'm a minimalist yet? I used to support the Windows standard: It works on 90% of computers, it should be the way. But man, how I love plain text files in how portable they are (outside of stupid restricted ebook readers...) and how small they usually are. Sometimes my epubs are smaller than my txt files, and with that I blame compression, although using Calibre's ebook editor just shows me how much fat code even Calibre creates (again, I'm a minimalist so multiple fonts and sizes more than 2-3 just annoy me). I still adhere to the filename.type standard (I think it's a good one) and I have a shell script that, depending on your option, can organize your files in a directory based on abc or file extension. I'm pretty sure it's made me more efficient. Anyway, I just wanted to lament on the bloated standards for "normal" use: office-encoded documents that really have no business being that way. I think .txt and .pdf should be the standards for any sort of report (tab-separated values for the tables), with .epub a primary for ebooks. Don't even get me started on video files... that's a story for another day.