Yesterday (well, within the past 24 hours), I started using a private repository on Github to sync-ish my *nix rc and config files. Previously I'd been using G Drive via the great tool gdrive to do the same thing. The problem is gdrive was somewhat recently removed from G's trusted apps or something. Basically I need an oauth token for my newest PC that is inaccessible because G says it doesn't trust the app anymore. Thanks, G. So I was reading on some glog about git version control and I thought even though I'm not using it for some project, per se, it would be great for what little storage text config files would take up. I'm not sure if Github has a storage limit, but I'm pretty sure I can't backup all my movies there for free. Non-sarcastic thanks, G. The biggest annoyance right now is that I have to keep typing in my username and password each time I push. Yes, I know there's a way around that with SSH keypairs. I just haven't bothered to do it quite yet. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with it as it seems a slightly more verbose and maintainable way of keeping my configs up-to-date without overwriting the same G Drive file and hoping it's the most recent. /begin ramble Also I have probably too many PCs: a desktop video-conversion workstation, a main laptop, a good 2-in-1 (my most recent addition), and a terrible 2-in-1 that has 2GB RAM and has issues with the NIC connecting and the idiots at SquareTrade that stuffed an LCD/LED screen into a housing that couldn't fit it and thus makes the damn case bulge and unsnap on the right-hand side. Of course I was the idiot that dropped a heavy tablet on the crap 2-in-1 that broke the screen in the first place. I should add that the desktop is now my only active PC with Windows on it. MakeMKV's caption extraction integration has made DVDDecrypter all but obsolete. I still want one machine with it just in case I need it for work. It hasn't come up yet, but to use their VPN I need to use Citrix and that hasn't been working on my main laptop. Also I'm pretty sure my Mint install on that is screwed because I'm getting warnings about missing fonts and I can't compile dwm and a few other things. I may end up replacing it with a server edition and installing X11 and dwm afterwards, but I'm too much of a n00b to feel confident deleting a mostly-working install and replacing it with something that will probably cause a bunch of new headaches. /end ramble