WARNING: Language-filled rant I work setting up phones every day. Anywhere from 0 (nice) to 5 a day. It requires a lot of travel = a lot of stress. To add to this stress is good old Apple with their dogshit phones and their dogshit updates and their dogshit "security." Today I have a "light" load: 2 setups. Fine. Great, actually. I can dick around the rest of the time. Cool. I drive for around 3 hours today. Again, that's a light day. Latter job is in the middle of nowhere (at least the road is paved). Close enough to home. Great. Just have to set up an iPhone. They always take longer, but not that long. Worst case: I have to leave while the iOS updates for 20 minutes to 4 fucking hours. But no. This job couldn't be easy. It's a fucking iPhone 7. Apple thinks it's not fucking supposed to work. You haven't made your annual wallet sacrifice to Apple in 3-4 years. That's no good. Fuck you, Apple customer (from Apple). We won't even let you get through the 3rd setup step (the first two are selecting language and region). You can eat shit waiting for more than an hour for a process that should take less than 10 minutes. We'll make you wait on hold for support that will give you instructions that will not help. Oh, you're waiting for around 10 fucking minutes every time it tries to activate? Well, you'll just have to keep fucking trying it until it fails and gives you a way out. Haha. Just kidding. We're not going to let you get past this step. You've tried 3 different SIM cards. You've tried accessing the account and manually entering the data. Nope. Fuck you for having an iPhone 7 in 2020. Fuck the helpless tech support guy who is standing in your dirty fucking yard getting bitten by mosquitoes and other insects while trying to set up your old phone that's made by a piece of shit company that's sole reason for existence is to extract money from you on a regular basis. And the best part: the customer. "Oh, I didn't know you sent an actual person to help set up the phone." Yeah. Nice. I could be back at work in actual civilization but I have to go deliver your dogshit phone because you weren't paying attention. It's fine. You're a person who didn't even finish high school or get a GED until you were well into adulthood, so why would you bother to look at the fucking options on the website? Nah, just click next. No wonder you have a fucking Trump 2020 flag flying in your yard, you fucking redneck idiot fuck. At least you had to pay for your stupidity in buying Apple shit by having to go to a store to get your shit fixed because after an hour and a half I can't fucking activate this piece of shit. And I can't take out my endless frustrations at being stonewalled by a piece of silicon and glass on you because a) you've been nice to me and b) I'd probably get fired. But it's not your fault that Apple makes shitty fucking disposable phones. It's Apple's. It's your fucking fault for buying the piece of shit in the first place and it's your fucking fault for breaking it. But it's fine because you aren't the first nightmare iPhone setup nor will you be the last. To any of you burrowers looking at this that still uses Apple: stop feeding the monster. Stop buying those piece of shit phones. Stop buying those piece of shit computers. Stop fucking around in a walled garden that's incompatible not just because of poor coding, but because it's fucking profitable for them to make your digital life fucking hell if you use any non-Apple electronic device. I used Mac OS X El Capitan with 32 GB RAM doing web development, and the shit still crashed. $5k for that iMac. And it still sucked ass and crashed just like any other computer. I grew up with Apple computers in the 90s. I've been using them on and off for decades: they still fucking suck and the PTBs have just gotten greedier. Get Windows. Get a BSD/Linux system. Get an Android phone. Get a Windows phone. Get a fucking flip phone. Get a computer/tablet/phone that isn't designed by shitheads in ivory towers with more money than they know what to do with. Stop believing the bold-faced LIE that Apple is just easier. It's not. It's the exact fucking opposite. It's harder. It's more headache-inducing. It's not fucking intuitive. The power button should allow you to turn the fucking phone off, not pull up Siri. These fucking idiots won't let you restore your phone with a backup unless you have WiFi. That's Apple. That's the shit company you're dealing with. Give me Windows 10, that sluggish-as-fuck-on-HDDs OS that sends usage data every 10 seconds, over that fucking asshole company that is a fucking mockery of its motto, its branding, and its founders. Apple was dying of pancreatic cancer the same fucking time as Jobs was. Jobs was never great on prices, but at least the machines weren't total fucking disposable shit. Guess what? On the high-end Apple products, the ones with more storage, the ones with a much heftier pricetag, the setup process is generally easier/quicker, and it's not because of the processor. It's because they have to bloat that shit and make sure you're not more than a year behind on your iPhone model. And a sincere fuck you to anyone reading who still thinks Apple is great when they are a giant fuck-you to digital freedom, choice, and consumer-friendly practices. And to be equal, fuck me for not going on this rant every time I have to set up an iPhone and telling the iDiots to get a phone that doesn't suck ass 24/7.