WARNING: Rant, so cursing is involved. So Android 10 has some good improvements, but some big missteps as well. This is about their mistakes they've made. Album art is blurred on the lock screen. My daily driver phone is running Android 9. It's awesome. The album art for Google Play Music fills up the screen and you have the OPTION to turn it off completely if you want. The album art is clear, as you'd expect. My previous phone, a Pixel 1 which I still use for backup, has Android 10 on it, and man, I'm just so mad that they chose to blur the damn artwork. It's not just Google Play Music. It's other apps. Guess where this shit started? iOS. Fuck you copying shitty "features" of Apple. There is no way to turn the blur off without a custom Android ROM. I've never successfully rooted a device and after one failed attempt I decided that disabling apps was just as good as outright removing the bloat. I hate developers who don't give you OPTIONS. Android devs have fucked up, probably on the orders of their dumbass business major bosses. It's possible they also just suck ass at designing shit, because lots of "vogue" design choices are... well, vogue. Yes, all shitty trends in Android can be traced back to Apple. Well, not all, but a lot. I'm really getting pissed about those fuckers trying to create a damn homogeneous phone ecosystem slowly but surely. If I wanted a fucking iPhone, I'd buy a fucking iPhone. Stop mirroring those Apple clowns at the system level, you fuckers. No soft menu button anymore on the system navigation. Lots of smartphones no longer have physical buttons. I'm okay with that, as long as you don't take buttons away for no fucking reason. But Android 10 removed my menu button, something I whined about earlier and fubared Overbite on Android, which led to Kaiser pushing out an update. I guess the update was a good thing, but my abandonware launcher, found in my SDF gopherhole under bin, has all its options attached to the system settings (three-dot) menu, which appears as needed in Android <10, but is completely removed in 10. OPTIONS = CHOICE. CHOICE = FREEDOM. There is such a thing as too many choices, but the much more prevalent and critical issue is having too few choices/no choice at all. I shouldn't have to root/jailbreak a phone just to have options.