WARNING: Lots of profanity, open weeping. On this episode of destructive stupidity, let's see what Google has done to push users away from using their "ecosystem." 1. Hangouts. They're getting rid of Hangouts. They're getting rid of SMS integration for Fi and Voice (I have both) for Hangouts. But wait! There's more. They're fucking forcing users over to Chat. What is Chat? It's Hangouts without the fucking video, voice, or SMS. It's shit, basically. I mean I heard about this fucking rumor back when G+ was going to die. I thought, nah, they already took SMS away from non-Google numbers. They can't seriously... And tonight, I look into it by chance, and find out they're actually going to fuck Hangouts to death with a damn kanabo. What. The. Fuck. Fuck off. The video, which I hardly ever use, is going to fucking Meet. Voice stuff will appropriately still be in Voice. Fi users? Go fuck yourself and use normie apps like Phone and Messages. Fuck you, Google, you fucking pieces of fuck shit. Go fucking die in a fire, you fucking buffalo diarrhea. FUCK YOU! 2. Google Play Music. Yeah, it's not as detrimental as FUCKING CUTTING OFF CONTACT FROM FRIENDS, but shutting down a pretty damn good music app that came by default on many phones is just another case of Google telling people "Hey, nothing lasts forever. And by forever we mean like 10 years or so. That's fucking lame." Who uses the same things 10 years later? TVs? Cars? Yeah, all that shit stopped being useful almost immediately after it launched. So I basically used GPM as a music repo and local MP3 player app. Since I don't illegally download songs, my music collection is rather modest and fits easily on an 8GB SD card, along with lots of audio tracks from movies and TV. I'm weird. But the kicker is with the "update" they made the app open to a splash screen telling you to fuck off and use Youtube Music, which is just objectively worse. Everyone agrees. But luckily I figured out you could roll back to a previous GPM apk and clear data and voila! MP3 app is working. Of course I may end up just ditching it for VLC since I already have that installed and for some reason GPM was not a system app on Android, so it technically takes up space and now no longer syncs with any album art or anything on GPM. So basically they were like "You've been using Coke. Have you tried New Coke? It's even better. We're not even making any more Coca-Cola Classic. Go fuck yourself. :)" Doesn't everyone drink New Coke now? Oh, wait. Yeah. This is a double whammy that I just can't even begin to express how frustrated it makes me. I'm seriously considering ditching Google for anything other than Photos, Gmail, or Youtube. I don't use their search already. I use DDG, Bing, Searx, Veronica-2, Gopherpedia, and then Google if I really, really have to find it. The worst part? This is arguably the second time I've been burned by these fuckers. I liked Google+, but they fucking said, "Nope, not popular enough. 200 million active users? Go fuck yourselves." I actually made a Hangouts group message as a (shoddy) replacement for G+. Now Hangouts is going to get transitioned to fucking Chat and Meet. Seriously, what the FLYING FUCK ARE YOU THINKING, GOOGLE?!! YOU ALREADY PUSHED OUT ALLO AND DUO THAT NOBODY USED AND THEN SHUTTERED THEM! GO FUCK YOURSELVES, YOU FUCKING FUCKTARDED FUCKING PIECES OF FUCK SHIT!!! I really do anticipate Chat and Meet being less popular than Hangouts because (I hope) people like me will go to Discord or Zoom or whatever the fuck isn't going go fucking bananas and shut down their service for shits and giggles. I don't think I can do it again. I'm really depressed about this, even though it seems like Hangouts as I use it now is just going to be migrated to Chat and be the same fucking thing. My question is why. Why? Why the FUCK would you fucking cause stress and anxiety when you don't fucking need to? Is it because, as someone said, some fucktard newbie leader needed to have a new pet project and couldn't just improve the old, reliable, simple one? -- You'll never make a name for yourself if you maintain Wheel, guy. You need to invent the Circular Vehicular Module app! It does the same fucking thing, but is just a little bit worse in the worst ways. And nobody will be able to use Wheel again. Those plebs can go fuck themselves. :) Then we'll change it in 6 days to The Circle and then those stupid fucks who adopted CVM app will have to go to The Circle. Genius, right? -- I really, really hate Apple for the bullshit they do to consumers, but I'm realizing that Google, even though they "play nice" with other things and interact well on multiple systems, they just seem to want to fuck with consumers in pursuit of a handful of fucking asshole execs that want to reinvent the wheel for their resume or some shit like that. They're putting insane amounts of bad vibes to everyone stupid enough to use their products. People like me. I described my relationship with Google as a love/hate thing. Now I'm thinking it's more of a hate thing. And that just sucks. It really, really does. I don't want to hate the company that has my phone number, has my main email, has my memories and video collection and so much else of my stuff locked in their servers as a backup. I don't want it. I can't... I just can't fathom how they keep on doing this. Like I wish I was Genghis Khan or something so I could lop off the heads of the heads of Google, take it over, and make sure they didn't shit all over their customers with inane, destructive decisions. I don't know what to do. I don't particularly like Discord or Zoom. But I really, really want normie messaging and I want video conferencing. And I definitely don't want to bend over for Google to fuck up my life, however minutely, whenever they feel like a new product needs to full-on replace what they already have that works and is used by AT LEAST millions of people. It's sad. It's fucking sad. I'm thinking that maybe I need to be off the computer. I mean I've been thinking that for a while, but with this damn virus, it's really the only way I communicated with most people. Like fuck, I don't fucking know what to say. I'm really, really disappointed. Switching SMS apps isn't something I've done in 3 fucking years. I don't want it. You're muh queen. This shit is worse than Game Of Thrones' ending. Fuck.