A hack I've found for my setup (Mint + Xfce + dwm) --- #~/.xprofile xfce4-volumed #allows media buttons for volume ~/sh/dwm.sh & #runs status script in bg #~/sh/dwm.sh #status bar while true do xsetroot -name "$(nmcli d|grep wifi|sed s/.*nected/SSID:/g) - $(upower -i $BAT|grep perc|sed s/percentage:\ \*/BAT:/g) - $(upower -i $BAT2|grep perc|sed s/percentage:\ \*/BAT2:/g) - $(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M)" sleep 10 done --- And that's it for how I got dwm to work with volume keys. Of course it requires that the volumed is working, so it may not work with the advanced crew who already figured out how to use volume keys without xfce4. Obviously mine isn't the best, but it's functional. You'll need to define $BAT and $BAT2 (if $BAT2 exists) for the xsetroot to work.