WARNING: A bit rambly. It's been a while. I don't feel like I've had much to say. Recently I got into a mode, I guess. Maybe a mood. Whatever. I got sick of my phone's browser crashing or going sluggish when I was playing videos. My browser Via is actually pretty darn good, if only for the resource sniffer: that thing is great. It seeks out embedded video (and audio, I believe) and will generate a link to it. What's great about this is I can "pipe" that link to be played in a video app (VLC in this case). VLC is awesome at videos. So I got to thinking: what about Youtube? Well, I started digging around and got into a bit of a rabbit hole. I found streamlink on my laptop first. It's garbage, IMO. Copy/paste all the time. No seeking in VLC when it doesn't crash. It reminds me of VHS. Fine. I look on the Google Play Store and find nothing but Google for Youtube. Big surprise. So I look at my favorite non-Google apk repo: F-Droid. Several options. 1. WebTube - works but it's just a webview app. That's what a browser is for. 2. Youtube Stream - Absolutely broken; probably not updated to address the YT shenanigans that is them screwing with how their site works all the time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But Google can't fix its own stupid. 3. Skytube - YES! For one whole video. Hang, crash. You suck, Skytube. 4. NewPipe - Bad name, IMO. EXCELLENT app. It's amazing. Not only is it natively displaying the video and not using a webview, but it can pipe the videos to VLC, play in the background, no ads or tracking (and no commenting, liking, which is fine). I'm so happy. This is awesome. Now back to Linux. Surely I can do this on Linux Mint, right? I tried red-app, but that was trash. It was a snap-pack or whatever which involves too much BS to satisfy reqs. I look around and land nicely on FreeTube. This is what I want. Such good stuff, and it also cuts down on my commenting, which is mainly just me getting into dumb arguments.