For anyone not in the loop, "The Trouble with Tribbles" is an episode of Star Trek (1966) AKA The Original Series (TOS). Gopher is great. I really like it, otherwise I wouldn't be using it. However, online content and resources have a tendency to disappear. It's present on all of the Internet, but the effect is felt more keenly in Gopher simply because there are less resources out there to begin with. Many of them pop up without fanfare (as you do in Gopher) and disappear a year later. It's a real shame. Again, this happens on the WWW, but AFAIK, nothing like exists for gopherspace to somewhat preserve these resources. List of resources I browsed/used that are no longer around: Searx portal Tracker-free WWW search on Gopher? Excellent! Gone? Not cool. Youtube search See above, but change WWW to Youtube. Gbay Optimistic g-commerce application, but understandably didn't get much traffic or serious inquiries. Text news. It had sports and stuff. Deleted. At least the CNN portal, as of this writing, is still up ( Gophermole Multimedia Gopher search engine. Mateusz gave a valiant effort, but the database was too big. There are probably more, but I wanted to give these resources proper recognition.