Vivaldi[0] 4.0 (stable) was released recently. It has 2 major upgrades that I'm excited about: email and feeds. I have not had an internet suite[1] since Opera went full Chromium. I've used mutt and newsbeuter for my email and feed needs... at least sort of. Feeds are useful and not at the same time. They're good for reading articles, but is not very interactive (sounds like an Internet protocol I know). Anyway, the feeds part is very beta and leaks into my email unreads. Or at least the "unread" part of my Mail tab. Yikes. Email is also beta. It works for me. Above problem is still annoying. You can't seem to do much: I can't even make the default open behavior change the item to read. That's a bummer. But at least it has inline graphics, which is better than mutt or newsbeuter when browsing items with images in them. Another Web 2.0 feature in Vivaldi that I don't like are notifications. I have them disabled by default, but that only applies to websites. So I'm met with notifications whenever I open Vivaldi now unless no feeds or my email has gotten new items. Another "feature" I could do without. I may end up removing feeds and mail because of this. As per usual with Vivaldi, unfortunately there are some broken things going on. I know it's quite a bit different from Opera's organization, but it would be nice if the stable branch didn't include so many bugs. Maybe it's just the Linux port. Two steps forward, one step back. 0. 1. gopher://