WARNING: Rant/language. Like the title says. I started a new job. They use Imacs so now I do, too. Coming from dwm it feels so unproductive and I'm sure the two dozen programs they have me log into don't help. Macs can't do more than 2 tiles left and right. It's 2021. WTF are you doing? Even the app switcher is slow, and it's not like the Windows 7/10 one where you have a preview Rolodex. It's just crap when it shouldn't be. This is definitely going to be a problem because of how many windows we're required to juggle. Dwm has freaking 10 tags that are lightning fast to switch and fucking Mac OS X Electric Boogaloo 2021 takes a good half-second to process anything. It's also going to completely fuck up my keyboard shortcuts, which are bad enough when Thinkpads mix up Fn and Ctrl, nobody else does, and sometimes the Win key is the meta key for dwm and sometimes it's Alt. And they use the fucking security token program for VPN BS because God forbid you let any of these helpdesk trade secrets out. They might as well be nuclear codes. The best part is it's a virtual requirement that we write all these usernames and passwords down on the local machine because there are so many that require periodic updates AND screensharing, at least in training, is pretty common. Whoops if you open that pw doc while screensharing. At least Spotlight doesn't suck. Luckily I got a second interview for a different job so hopefully I'll get out of this Apple hole fast.