SPOILERS for Chapterhouse: Dune and the original Dune series (1-6) On the last day of November I finally finished the original Dune series. Disappointing is an understatement. Dune went out with a whimper as Chapterhouse was easily the weakest and Greek-est of them all. It was full of bloviating inaction and political theory more than anything else (Greeks are dreamers, Romans are doers). Christ. It was all about the Bene Gesserit and Honored Matres wiping out planets in the background while the Bene Gesserit talked and talked and talked and talked about it. Scytale was in it for no real reason. I suppose he had some secret formula or capsules inside of him that made him valuable. There were Face Dancers projecting hologram images of themselves to Duncan Idaho's current ghola I think to try and lure the people who captured Scytale to them. And it ended at that. The only bit of action that was there was some Bene Gesserit deaths (preceded by a bunch of nebulous political talk) and a couple battles at the end. They were not memorable in the slightest and the Bene Gesserit eventually "merged" with the Honored Matres under Murbella as Mother Superior. The cast was thoroughly boring and lifeless: the only difference between Odrade and Taraza was that Taraza died (early on, IIRC) and Odrade was the Mother Superior making a lot of the decisions. The characters were so bland that when Logno killed the Spider Queen, I thought Logno was a Futar (which were never fully explained, either). Sheeana and the worms were an interesting connection to previous entries that was barely addressed in favor of this background war between Honored Matres and the Bene Gesserit. Even as a regular book, Chapterhouse sucked so, so much ass. It has literally taken me years to slog through it because that's exactly what it is: a meandering slog. There's little focus. There was a dedication in the end to Herbert's wife, who evidently died around the time it was being written. Further research also revealed this was when a Dune movie was released (I think I saw part of the oldest one and could not stand it at all). So maybe that explained why it was such drudgery trying to read it as a Dune fan and completionist. But I read it, and I was disappointed. Evidently there was supposed to be a 7th book, but Frank died before he could finish it and later on his son wrote a couple sequels. I really enjoyed the prequels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. I enjoyed pretty much all but Dune 6 of Frank Herbert's Dune series (although Heretics of Dune was a bit sloggish, too). Moral of the story is Frank Herbert sucks at writing when his wife is dying. It's callous but true. Sorry if I offended anyone about that. ~~~ RCS is kind of cool, kind of not. It's a more "modern" chat protocol that's only relevant addition to me is end-to-end encryption. I have GFi, so it's RCS capable as G has been pushing it hard. It also does basically everything Imessage does except true cross-device usage (thanks to that encryption deal and needing the phone to do the actual sending/receiving). It sucks for me that it has to use mobile data becaue I pay for that. Now G has said that they won't charge or will simply refund mobile data that is used for texting, but I still don't like it. I'm a data sipper on my phone and almost always have a Wifi signal to use, and considering I pay for every bit of mobile data that I use, I try to keep it off. Wifi only will not work. It's a real bummer coming from G Hangouts where everything could be done via Wifi, even SMS/MMS. Thanks, G Assholes, for mothballing that great project in favor of this inferior Messages program. So far I've only been able to use RCS with my mom because my sister uses an Iphone and the friends I still talk to also use that crap company. RCS is cool but every person in a convo (minimum 2) needs to have it enabled for it to work, and Ishit doesn't want to make Imessage superfluous by supporting RCS. As a minimalist I am fine in theory with SMS/MMS, but the whole cyberspy culture of big companies is a big turnoff to using that for anything sensitive. Also, I'm pretty sure one of my eyes is about to rot out of my face. Not really, but one side of my vision is totally cloudy and I need to see an eye doctor about it soon.