I recently (within the past week or so) was looking at some videos about tricks for vim[0]. In it there was a tutorial on opening a terminal window inside of vim. Now on the surface, that's not a big deal. Lots of temporary terminals can interrupt CLI/TUI programs. But this isn't an interruption, but rather a shell inside of vim. And that, my friends, is exploitable. Basically you can use windows and tabs to essentially create a tmux session in vim, but without needing tmux to control it. There are a few caveats, though: vim, as far as I know, doesn't have a status bar like tmux does, so my custom status script won't be running in the background like it does in tmux. Not a huge loss. The other major thing is that it lacks some more advanced features like command view or precise window handling/selecting like tmux. As I don't really use those features, it's not really a negative for me. The big perk is being able to take a "screenshot" (text dump) of a program, which is lacking in tmux, at least without an add-on. ^W = enter window management mode ^W N = enter normal mode (edit the current screen in vim) ^W i = enter insert mode (regular operation in non-vim program) ^W gt = go to next tab ^W w = go to next window ^W [hjkl] = go to window in the HJKL direction ^W : = enter the command(?) for vim 0. https://yewtu.be/S6lK0437hQM