So R mods tried to protest API price hikes that would effectively kill all third-part apps. I say "tried" because they failed quite badly. I mean they said they'd make thousands of subboards private... for 48 hours. The R CEO just called their bluff and then threatened to remove their mod power, and the miscreants just gave up. Some of them changed the "theme" of the boards, like NoFans (NSFW) becoming a fanless cooler board. The surrender isn't very surprising. R mods have nothing better to do with their free time than police online boards and smite anyone who dares question them. I didn't use R for more than anything but NSFW content aggregation. I was always using Gopherddit or I've found that leaving comments often has the illusion of conversation, but it's not really like that and it's 95% arguing and pointlessness, especially on censorship-heavy platforms like R and YT. That's also why I recently turned off comments in my Invidious settings. Hopefully I can quit spending so much time reading and caring about what idiots say online, but I'm another one of those idiots. I believe I said how things suck in my last post. Psychopathic capitalism and this stupid inflation spike are making things worse. But there's hope. And I'm going to hold onto it and try to do more things outside.