Today I was watching a video by Rossmann [0] about how Big G was screwing over their advertisers by selling bad ads as "good" ads. Basically it has to do with engagement and whether anyone will pay attention to it. The case has fraud and false advertising written all over it. At the end, Rossmann wonders aloud whether Youtube will keep steamrolling ahead as ads are a significant part of their policies and profitability. I personally think it would be great if Big G got absolutely eviscerated in court. It has gotten far, far too big for its britches. A breakup would at least be something positive for the consumer, I'm sure. Big G was great when it was only search, but now... It's just far too bloated. The main services of Big G's I use are Photos, Calendar, Mail, and Contacts... basically the email suite + Photos. And Photos I use more as a video repo than a place to save family photos or whatnot, although I do use it for that, too. Big G destroyed the free unlimited storage for everyone but Pxl1 owners, which I am, thank goodness. I have physical drive backups that I use, but online backup pretty much limited to Photos because nothing else has terabytes of storage free (of which I know). The main point of this is that the WWW has gotten far too bloated. I watched a Fireship video on HTMX and was just dumbfounded. Why, oh why, do people INSIST on reinventing things and making new languages? Yes, I can see where C is better than assembly, but come on. HTMX? HTML, JS, PHP, and CSS weren't good enough for you? You have to introduce even more needless complexity? I hope it ends up like XML only being used in niche circumstances. I hate the idea of older browsers being unable to access content simply because some asshole devs decided that HTML was too "old." I get irritated enough nowadays because my smartphone from 2013 can't access most of the WWW because of (I believe) SSL incompatibility. I can understand breaking banking sites, but search engines? It's so odd how seemingly 90% of the WWW is on HTTPS. While I like security, it doesn't really matter if you can't access sites! I kind of wish the Web would get nuked; decimated and destroyed of most of the BS that has been created in the past 10-ish years. I used to be able to shop on A-to-Z with Lynx! Granted it wasn't the best experience, but I could do it! That's awesome. What's not awesome is a site being blank because shouldn't need fucking Javascript just to order a fucking pizza. Maybe if you're paying by CC, but cash? Just placing the order? Fuck off. I'd really love a return to the old days on the Web. Things were simple and algorithms were for math classes, not advertisers. 0.