I may have mentioned it before, but I can watch YT content without even opening a display server. I use various bits of software to accomplish this. And yes, this is a bit convoluted when there is yt-dl and yt-dlp out there, but it's my way... for now. I start by locating the video I want via RSS feeds or Idiotbox gopher search. The pertinent string is the video ID right after the watch?v=. Once I have that, I copy it (via tmux) and paste it into my URL-generating script, which takes an Invidious domain (usually yewtu.be) and populates three strings. domain/latest_version?id=VIDEO_ID&itag=18 domain/latest_version?id=VIDEO_ID&itag=22 domain/latest_version?id=VIDEO_ID&itag=139 The itag corresponds to the 360p, 720p, and audio version of the video, respectively. Out of respect to the site owners, I almost always go for the 360p version as it's smaller and some videos don't even go above 360p. Then I just plug it into Lynx and after a few auto redirects, I get the MP4 that I can play via Mplayer and framebuffer.