=========== EMACS NOTES =========== Great article about using Emacs as a shell and file manager can be found here: https://blog.einval.eu/2020/04/emacs-as-a-shell/ Your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file, your ~/.emacs.d/el/typopunct.el file, and your ~/.emacs.d/el/gopher.el file are in the dot-files directory. Open the console version of emacs instead of the X window version: emacs -nw Activate menu items: Meta-` [Meta-tickmark (below tilde)] Close without saving: Ctrl-x Ctrl-c Save: Ctrl-x Ctrl-s Save as: Ctrl-x Ctrl-w Open a man page: Meta-x man Open file or create new: Ctrl-x Ctrl-f This can be used to open a file on a remote server. Backspace over the default directory (~/) and enter: /[ssh:]user@server.net#port-number:/path/to/file Alternatively, you can use the "Host" specified in an SSH config file to identify a remote server: /ssh:Host:/path/to/file Kill buffer: Ctrl-x k List buffers: Ctrl-x Ctrl-b Move to previous buffer: Ctrl-x Ctrl-[left-arrow] Move to next buffer: Ctrl-x Ctrl-[right-arrow] Open second window: Ctrl-x 2 Move to other window: Ctrl-x o Close current window: Ctrl-x 0 Increase window size: Ctrl-x ^ Pull up directory listing: Ctrl-x d Top of buffer: Meta-< Bottom of buffer: Meta-> Page down: Ctrl-v Page up: Meta-v Beginning of line: Ctrl-a End of line: Ctrl-e Next line: Ctrl-n Previous line: Ctrl-p Forward on character: Ctrl-f Back one character: Ctrl-b Forward one word: Meta-f Back one word: Meta-b Set bookmark: Ctrl-x r m List bookmarks: Ctrl-x r l . With list open use "r" to rename a bookmark. . With list open use "d" to mark bookmark for deletion. . With list open use "x" to delete marked bookmark. Cut/Copy/Paste Select text by setting a beginning mark with Ctrl-space, and then moving cursor to end of desired selection. Cut selection: Ctrl-w Copy selection: Meta-w Paste selection: Ctrl-y Merge previous line with current: Meta-^ Set text width (i.e. fill column): Ctrl-x f [default is 70] Display column ruler: Meta-x ruler-mode Justify paragraph at 78 characters: Meta-78 Meta-q Undo: Ctrl-x u Search: Ctrl-s . A subsequent Ctrl-s takes you to the next occurrence . Ctrl-r takes you to the previous occurrence Spellchecking . Spellcheck word: Meta-$ . Spellcheck buffer: Meta-x ispell Center line: Meta-o Meta-s Meta-l Make word lower case Meta-u Make word upper case Meta-c Capitalize word Calendar Mode / Diary ===================== To enter calendar mode: Meta-x calendar-mode To exit calendar mode: q By default, the diary file is located at ~/.emacs.d/diary You can set a different location in your ~/.emcas.d/init.el file: (setq diary-file "/path/to/alternate-location) The "Diary" entries in the Emacs manual at gnu.org are very helpful. Gopher Support ============== Add the gopher.el file to your ~/.emacs.d/el/ directory, and then add the line (require 'gopher) to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file. Use Meta-x gopher to enter gopher mode and prompt to enter a gopher url. Use q to exit gopher mode. Basic usage guidelines can be found on the gopher.el github page. Enriched Mode ============= To enter enriched mode, open (i.e. ‘visit’) a new file and type: Meta-x enriched-mode If you open a file that was saved in enriched mode, it will automatically open in enriched mode. One problem I have run into is that it does not seem possible to edit a compressed file in enriched mode. Some enriched mode formatting reminders: Meta-o-i (Italic) Meta-o-b (Bold) Meta-o-u (Underline) Meta-o-l (Bold-Italic) Meta-o-d (Return to default text format)