AN ASOCIAL WORLD April 20, 2019 Many thanks to slugmax for pointing me to sol_solaris's social media post[1], which argues that "social" media is really ANTI-social. I think that is correct. Karl Marx once described religion as "the heart of a heartless world."[2] In a similar fashion, I think one can argue that social media is the social of an asocial world, a world that is "killing human contact one relationship at the time. Promoting shallowness, vanity..." to use sol_solaris's words. I am now trying to think through the differences between the social interaction of the web's social media and the social interaction one finds here in gopherspace. One's interactions with others in gopherspace is every bit as "virtual" as what one finds on the web, but there are clearly differences. At least one of those differences is the fact that the inter- actions are not being manipulated by corporate owners and sponsors. There are undoubtedly more differences, and I feel sure some of those other differences would be more revealing of the differences between gopher and the web -- and perhaps of the characteristics of social interaction in the 21st century. [1] gopher:// [2] Marx, Karl. A Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. (1844)