Friday 2020-11-27 T23:50:13-0600 This is the first entry I am making in my new phlog. Gopher is an interesting protocol and it certainly seems to be a product of it's time but I sort of like that. I've always been a fan of text based interfaces and whenever possible I like to use them in place of a GUI. For this phlog I plan on having a timestamp at the top so I can easily see when I edited a particular entry. I've set up a vim autocmd to update it whenever I save the file so it will always be current. > iab dts strftime("%A %F T%T%z") > > augroup phlog > autocmd! > autocmd BufWritePre /usr/home/promethorn/gopher/phlog/* :%s/.\+\s\d\{4}-\d\+-\d\d\sT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d-\d\{4}/\=strftime("%A %F T%T%z")/ > augroup END