2021-01-23: In Memory of Rosemary, 2019--2021 rak ================================================================ Salvia "Rosemary" Rosmarinus tragically passed away from dehydration at home last week at the age of two. Born in Gates-Hillman in 2019, she is descended from ancestors found in a clamshell at Giant Eagle and a bit of rooting hormone. She was cared for by many, including her primary caretaker (the present author), his housemates, and friends. She enjoyed basking in the sun and the occasional long draught of Pittsburgh's famous leaded tap water. Her leaves enhanced our dishes, and some of her branches had long been destined to make a rosemary-flavoured simple syrup. Alas, withered, her leaves will instead serve to grace roast potatoes and pork. A private ceremony will be held today to gather her leaves. Afterwards, her remains will unceremoniously be laid to rest in the kitchen trash.