2021-04-10: Project Euler #6 in FOCAL rak ================================================================ Project Euler problem 6 "Sum square difference" [0] asks you to calculate the difference of the sum of squares of the first N=10 natural numbers and the square of the sum of the first N natural numbers. That is, it asks you to compute the difference D = SQUARESUM - SUMSQUARES where SQUARESUM = (1 + 2 + ... + N)^2 SUMSQUARES = 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + N^2 I decided to implement it using C-FOCAL on a PiDP/8 running TSS/8 [1]. It uses the identities 1 + 2 + ... + N = N * (N + 1) / 2, 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + N^2 = N^3/3 + N^2/2 + N/6. *WRITE ALL C-FOCAL,1969 01.01 C PROJECT EULER SUM SQUARE DIFFERENCE PROBLEM 6 01.02 C COPYRIGHT 2021 RYAN KAVANAGH RAK AT RAK.AC 01.03 C GIVEN N OUTPUT (SUM(X=1..N) X)^2 - (SUM(X=1..N) X^2) 01.04 ASK "ENTER N", N 01.05 SET SQUARESUM=^2 01.06 SET SUMSQUARES=N^3/3 + N^2/2 + N/6 01.07 TYPE "(SUM(X=1..N) X)^2 IS ", SQUARESUM, ! 01.08 TYPE "SUM(X=1..N) X^2 IS ", SUMSQUARES, ! 01.09 TYPE "DIFFERENCE ", SQUARESUM - SUMSQUARES, ! *GOTO 01.01 ENTER N:10 (SUM(X=1..N) X)^2 IS = 3025.0000 SUM(X=1..N) X^2 IS = 385.0000 DIFFERENCE = 2640.0000 *GOTO 01.01 ENTER N:100 (SUM(X=1..N) X)^2 IS = 25502500 SUM(X=1..N) X^2 IS = 338350.00 DIFFERENCE = 25164200 [0] https://projecteuler.net/problem=6 [1] https://tss8.sdf.org/