2021-05-04: Defending censorship with ad hominems rak ================================================================ I will be moving to Montreal this summer and my member of Parliament will be Steven Guilbeault, the minister spearheading Canada's new internet censorship bill (bill C-10). He also happens to be the minister who responds to serious questions about his bill's constitutionality with ad hominem attacks. You can watch the exchange during yesterday's question period here [0]. Here's the Hansard transcript: Ms. Rachael Harder (Lethbridge, CPC): Mr. Speaker, it is sad that the minister still does not have an answer to this question. It has been asked for days now, and still, he continues to point to big organizations, such as Google and Facebook, rather than talking about the protection of individual rights and freedoms, which is the question at hand. Bills like Bill C-10 are put through a sniff test, which means that the justice department goes through them and decides whether or not they adhere to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. At committee last week, I put forward a motion asking that there be another review done to this bill because it has substantially undergone change. Experts have stated that we need a new evaluation from the justice minister to determine if Bill C-10 respects the charter. Does the minister agree? Hon. Steven Guilbeault (Minister of Canadian Heritage, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I find it incredibly hypocritical that the member for Lethbridge, who, given the opportunity, would not hesitate one minute to remove a woman's right to choose, a right protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, would like us, and Canadians, to believe that all of a sudden she cares deeply about said charter. I have rarely seen such hypocrisy before in my life. I (admittedly very naïvely) expect my member of parliament to make a best effort attempt to answer questions that are in the in the interest of Canadians, instead of engaging in personal attacks. Especially when they involve Canadians' constitutional rights. Face à son comportement, je suis certain qu'une des soeurs à mon école lui aurait dit: j'aurais honte. I look forward to the privilege of voting the Honourable Minister out of office. [0] https://youtu.be/6NI2qE8uJ9o?t=746 [1] 43rd Parliament, 2nd session, Edited Hansard, vol. 150, no. 093, Monday, May 3, 2021. https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/43-2/house/sitting-93/hansard#T1430