2022-07-02: Salad rak ================================================================ There must be a shortage of vegetables in the US, because for at least 6 years now the only salad found remotely near their politicians is word salad. Take a gander at the second paragraph of VP Harris's remarks at a climate meeting: > I often note and I’ve talked with many of you about our shared > belief that our world is increasingly more interconnected and > interdependent. > > That is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, > which is why we will work together and continue to work > together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, > and to work together as we continue to work, operating from > the new norms, rules, and agreements that we will convene to > work together on to galvanize global action. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/05/13/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-in-a-meeting-on-climate-at-the-u-s-asean-special-summit/