==================================================================== 27.09.2019 - Corebooting a Lenovo Thinkpad x230 - The easy way ==================================================================== Some time ago I stumbled about this project called Skulls(1). They advertaise an easy Coreboot instalation with precompiled roms and scripts which should make the instalation a one liner. I saved this to the rubric "yeah pretty nice and maybe someday usefull" and for- got about it (: Then one night clicking through some CCC videos I found a talk at FOSDEM 2019 (3) promoting and showing the ease of instalation of Skulls on a X230. The Person said something like "With SkullsProject you dont have any excuses anymore not to have coreboot on your computer." With an x230 + Skulls you end up having Coreboot + Seabios as pay- load installed You can choose from properiatary VGA bios or open- source Seabios VGA. The opensource cant display the grub loader in full resolution but this is the only "quirk". The Intel Managment Engine will still be on your computer but as they say "neutred". This means it so so far stripped down that it SHOULD not work anymore. The parts I bought: x230 form a linuxcomputer reseller 190.- 250gb Samsung SSD ~50.- Pamona Soic Clip 8 Pin 5250 20.- USB Programmer CH341A ~10.- DC-DC converter 5V -> 3.3V 2.- I ordered the parts which they mention on their Githubpage. Before I could start flashing the Skulls rom I had to update the EC-Chip because this cant be done with Coreboot on. But before I could update the EC-Chip the original Bios had to be updated because it was a pretty old one from back in the days. Lenovo roms are meant to be updated from Windows or written to a CD which I lack both. I followed this link (2) and got finaly my Bios updated to a semi actual one to flash the newest EC firmware. Then I could run the x230_skulls.sh which returned that everything was ok now and is ready to be flashed with Skulls. From now on the whole process took aproxemately 10 - 20 minutes. I cloned their Githubrepo to another computer and disassembled the x230. Connecting the wires to the programmer and the flashclip was straight forward because of their good documentation. First I updated the lower chip with: sudo ./external_install_bottom.sh -m -k . Then I updated the upper chip with: sudo ./external_install_top.sh -k . I just had to choose which kind of programmer I am using Rpi/CH341A and which videobios I want to have IntelVgaBios/SeabioVGA. I was pretty nervous to brick my just new device but everything went just flawlessly first try. Bravo! Now the x230 boots very quickly through Seabios. Although the whole process looks pretty hacky in their documentation you dont have to knwo much about the process because of the good manual they provide you can follow step by step. I think even computer novices can do this. In comparison to my x200 the speedupgrade is very noticeable. On x200 I have to use Mpv + ytdl to stay at 20% Cpu load playing youtubevideos. The x230 does the same task with the same load play- ing the video in firefox. Although I still use a minimal tiling wm its nice to have this extra power. (1) https://github.com/merge/skulls/blob/master/x230/README.md (2) https://github.com/eigenmatt/mec-tools (3) https://gra.mirror.cyberbits.eu/fosdem/2019/H.2215/ skulls_coreboot.webm --------------------------------------------------------------------