Comments on Phlogs Below are some collected thoughts on a few interesting phlog posts I've read recently where I felt I had something to comment on. I've put a link to the original post in each case so you can follow it through. +++ Solderpunk on bikes: gopher:// Where we moved to in Quebec there are many kilometers of bike paths, where we moved from in Connecticut were none at all, and riding on the road carried far more risk. So I can relate. I got rid of my road bike when we moved, but kept a fairly old and heavy Trek mountain bike. It works for my purposes, but my wife, who is an avid biker, has convinced me to upgrade to something newer and lighter. She says I'll enjoy it more, she may be right. +++ Xmanmonk on our gopher community: gopher:// Well said! I love our small and growing community. It's interesting because gopher forces a focus on content, rather than layout. +++ Hobbsc on hearing: gopher:// A personal anecdote might help you. My father, now 80, has genetic hearing loss and has had hearing aids for 35 years or so. Back then, they were indeed large and quite visible. But the ones he wears now I can't see unless I look directly into his ears. They are far smaller and (according to him) work far better than they ever have, especially for filtering out background noise. He also wears glasses, and has never complained about them getting in the way. +++ Nonlinear on communication in the gopher-verse: gopher:// I welcome email from phlog readers, I get it occasionally. I'm biased of course, but slerm is a great option and is not really that difficult to setup. I get an email alert when someone leaves a comment. I've also been thinking of writing a simple guestbook, at least that allows comments, even if they are not precisely tied to a particular phlog post. I know there is a gopher mailing list, which is more general - but perhaps we need a mailing list dedicated to gopher blogging? Or maybe a newsgroup in keeping with the retro-feel? And of course, quoting phlogs in your own phlog is always an option :).