Gophernicus (the gopher server used at SDF) has a nice script feature for gophermaps. Any line that starts with '=' is assumed to refer to a script, and the output is sent to the client. As an example, in Sander's gopher hole I found a neat weather-fetching service [0]. Basically, you just 'finger' ('finger' for help), this works for major cities world-wide. Using gophernicus' script execution feature, I put this in my gophermap (formatted here but all on one line in my gophermap). =/usr/pkg/bin/finger | grep can | \ /usr/pkg/bin/perl -pe 's{canada/quebec/montreal at (\d+:\d+)} \ {Montreal weather at $1 local time}' | /usr/pkg/bin/par 68 and for my random Firefly quote I use: =/arpa/ns/s/slugmax/bin/fortune | /usr/bin/fmt Generally paths will need to be absolute for this to work, so I just specify them all fully (and this is more secure anyway). The alternative if your gopher server does not have something like this is to use a cron to periodically generate some content, and update a file in your gopherspace (whether gophermap or other). When SDF used bucktooth I did the Firefly quote that way. [0] gopher://