Update to the Slerm Phlogging Engine This is a small update fixing a bug with selector line endings. Basically, with my last update I mistakenly used \r\n as the line ending for the comment file output, resulting in odd formatting bugs. So now \r\n is strictly limited to direct gopher output. Read on for details on how to download slerm v1.8. gopher://sdf.org/0/users/slugmax/about-slerm.txt In the old phlog archives you can see all posts tagged 'slerm': gopher://sdf.org/1/users/slugmax/cgi-bin/slerm_archive?tag-slerm You can download slerm here: gopher://sdf.org/9/users/slugmax/code/slerm-1.8.tgz Finally, you can view the perl source code: gopher://sdf.org/0/users/slugmax/code/slerm-1.8.cgi.txt Enjoy!