Coming Soon - Solderpunk and I have been discussing adding a new server to the universe (hereinafter called the verse). It would be similar in nature to his own server At first it will offer gopher hosting and shell access, with local email (just among the circumlunar servers), and fairly quickly thereafter a shared or federated bbs, so that users can post and read bbs (gboard) updates from users on other servers in the verse. You can read Solderpunk's comments on this and the hostnames we will be using [0]. I've taken the first steps towards that goal, provisioning a VPS in the Netherlands and am currently getting it setup with the help of Solderpunk. I'm hoping to have it available for new user signups in the next two weeks. The admin model for servers in the circumlunar verse will be one of a single server admin but with shared resources - so I'll be the sole admin of the republic, and Solderpunk will continue with his admin duties on the zaibatsu. We'll just work closely together to make sure users on both systems (and future systems in the verse) can communicate with each other. I think the introduction of a new server is timely, the zaibatsu is fairly light on resources and last I knew, there was room for only a few more users there. The new server,, will be able to handle more users. Although not a large server by today's standards, as Solderpunk pointed out to me in an email, by text-based Unix system standards it is huge with 1GB of RAM and 80GB of disk (compared to zaibatsu's 128MB of RAM and 15GB of disk). Minimalism will still be important, but we won't need to worry so much about multiple users running tmux or emacs, for example. [0] gopher://