A Quick Update, Thanks and Comments on Perl Just a quick phlog post as I've been insanely busy at work and left with no energy to phlog lately. Work on the Republic has settled down somewhat, the new user documentation is done and we continue to get new user requests, we're now up to 12 users! We still have plenty of room, I'll most likely stop once we get to 64 users, so keep those requests coming! À cpj [0] - Merci! Et ouais, c'était tres difficile pour moi de se séparer avec mes livres. Ratfactor talks about learning Perl [1] - the language I know best and one that has proven immensely useful to me over the years in my IT career as a network jockey, developer, and sysadmin. Perl has a bad rap of late, it had its heyday in the late 90's and early 2000's, but now it seems to be less popular than Python as a general-purpose scripting language. I see nothing wrong with using Perl if it gets the job done. Many of the criticisms of Perl are still founded in the late 90's boom when there really was some horrific Perl written and distributed (Matt's script archive was one of the worst offenders), but those days are long gone and Modern Perl [2] as it's known is quite a different beast. Ratfactor mentions 'Minimal Perl' - a great book that is still on my bookshelf and a great read for any Unix aficionado who likes to fiddle with sed, awk, find and the like. Give Perl a try! [0] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~cpj/phlog/20190104.txt [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/ratfactor/phlog/2019-01-02-new-new-ne [2] http://modernperlbooks.com