I've talked about 2600 magazine briefly, years ago [0], about their PDF digital archive issues (basically annual compilations). It took a while, but 2600 recently started selling DRM-free epub or PDF subscriptions of individual issues direct, after being fucked over by Amazon, who has discontinued magazine subscriptions. It's a welcome change for those of us with aging eyes who find the print magazine in digest format increasingly hard to read, and who also hate buying from Amazon (and one would think that describes a sizable portion of the 2600 readership). They have an informative page up explaining the differences between their PDF and epub editions [1]. I hope that the readers losing their kindle subscriptions will just re-subscribe direct [2], but you never know, as it won't be as convenient for them to side-load the epub if they keep their kindle. I have a print _and_ epub subscription for now, but I'll probably let the print subscription lapse when it expires next year. [0]: gopher://republic.circumlunar.space/0/~slugmax/phlog/phlog_archives/2600_magazine_ebooks [1]: https://2600.com/content/pdf-or-epub [2]: https://store.2600.com/collections/subscriptions-renewals