Higher Order Perl and Free Books I wish more authors would come to their senses, particularly with technical books. I purchased the dead-tree version of Higher Order Perl years ago, it is an amazing book and recommended reading for any programmer. Luckily, it is free to download [0]. "...the publisher was not important. Instead, he said, I should make sure to negotiate permission to make the book available for free on my web site. He told me that compared with the effort that you put into the book, the money you get back is insignificant. So if you write a book it should not be because you want to make a lot of money from it but because you have an idea that you want to present to the world. And as an author, you owe it to yourself to get your idea in front of as many people as possible. By putting the book in your web site, you make it available to many people who would not otherwise have access to it: poor people, high school students, people in developing countries, and so on." [1] [0] http://hop.perl.plover.com [1] http://blog.plover.com/book/free-hop.html