==================== A Book of Proverbs ==================== 1. Plain text only, please. No videos, pictures, VR, or what have you. Audio may be OK, but watch yourself. 2. Prefer books, paper, pen, a deck of cards: the ancient, resilient tech. Quiet and undistinguished. 3. Avoid the Feed. A bottomless coffee cup has an infinity of bad coffee in it. "All good things must come to an end." 4. I'd rather write an essay to five people who care than write a tweet to 5,000 who don't. 5. Boredom can be power. Did you know that you can use it? 6. You don't push; I pull. 7. No likes, no favorites, no subscriptions, no comments section, no replies. 8. Social media makes you stupid, then crazy. 9. You can't find time, silence, and deep thought online, but those are the things you need most. 10. Do you need _more_ information, or do you need to think through the information you already _have_? 11. Don't look at your phone. Not necessary, not desirable, not needed, not wanted. Whatever it is, I bet it can wait till you get back to your computer. 12. Turn off notifications. 13. They want to replace your attention with excitement and your thoughts and actions with their thoughts and the illusion of action. 14. Everything that you crave online, someone has designed it to evoke those cravings. You are being manipulated. If you keep pushing their lever over and over again until you die, that's "mission accomplished" for them. The designers of these systems don't know you, don't like you, and they don't wish you well. 15. Try not looking it up.