Every so often I do this fun exercise: I write down every single item I use over the course of the day. Items are entered only once even if several are used over the course of the day. The chronological list is as follows. Bed, slippers, toilet, heater, lap blanket, coffee pot, chair, cup, refrigerator, pen, paper, lamp, computer, knife, plate, toaster, microwave, sink, shower, towel, toothbrush, razor, clothing, shoes, wallet, phone, broom, cutting board, spoon, fork, pot, colander, bowl, sponge, checkbook, scissors, bag, tape, keys, car, flash light, hack saw, cash register, tape measure, stereo, shopping cart, tote bag, speakers, wire, snips, bucket, rag, crock pot, ladle, dog toy. Im always amazed what a short list it is. And I always wind up thinking about how the only item on the list I REALLY need to enjoy as my very own personal posession is my toothbrush. The rest could all be shared with my community, but that toothbrush I mean, EW! If I divide the list into functional groupings, I identify undeniable Human Needs: Every person should have access to Nutritious Food Proper Hygiene Comfortable Clothing Unhindered Movement Needed Tools Stimulating Recreation Sufficient Relaxation This isnt "One Size Fits All" fulfillment. What constitutes proper hygiene, nutritious food, or stimulating recreation differs from person to person, community to community, and culture to culture. Fulfillment must exist within a framework of self determination and all of these can be addressed at the municipal level easily once interference from capitalism is eliminated. Im not saying that a Dunbar Group of 200 people need to share a hammer. That would be silly pants! Besides there are enough hammers in the world that there's no reason everyone who can expect to need one shouldnt have one in their possession. Alternately, you have a "collection" of farm tractors you never use, uh why? You understand the concept, Im sure. My hunch is that in a world without capitalism, without the state, addressing these human needs efficiently will be a far simpler matter. But this is only a theory of course. To test it wed need to smash the state which underpins capitalism. Lets get busy testing this theory.