Captains Phlog 2020.01.24 _______________________________________________________________________ /* Housekeeping... * Welcome to Two New Gophers: * As of 17 Jan, Floodgap's "New Gopher Servers Since" 1999 has added * Blizzard of Zeros gopher:// * Colin Cogle's Site gopher:// */ A Gopher by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet. or How the Cow Got Its Overbite. a Just So Story A little over a year ago I treated myself. I dont typically spend much on unnecessary stuff but I bought a domain. I had been practicing my Linux and SSH skills on my Raspberry Pi Zero W for a couple of months and I decided I wanted to host not just a web page but a full Tilde Community. I chose TilceCow liking the rhyming with "Till The Cow..." and whatever puns would ensue from that. The fact that it was hosted on a Raspberry Pi also gave me "Cow Pi" as a bonus! I struggled to keep the system working for my handful of users (who never seemed to get together on stuff like I had seen with other communities). I also learned QUICKLY and PAINFULLY about malicious threats. After maybe six months, something happened. Im not sure what really but the system just... stopped one day. That was it. I wasn't having any of the fun I envisioned so I decided to leave well enough alone. For the next few months I just used the domain for publishing my own content to the web while all the while spending more and more time in love with the early web aesthetic and surfing with Lynx over SSH from my WinBox. By November 2019, I got braver and decided to try something New - Gopher. It was new to me anyway. TildeCow was now running on an old Acer Aspire One with a static WWW page served via $ socat and Gopher requests handled by Gophernicus ne Pygopherd. I have this thing where I go whole-hog on some indoor project over the winter months so as to avoid noticing how long, cold, and dark they are. This year its mastering Gopher, Honing my Bash Scripting Skills, and Learning ANSI-C. When spring comes, you'll see a definite lull in content with, I imagine, a resurgence again this coming fall. That my children is the story of how the Cow got its Overbite.