Captain's Phlog 2020.02.27 ______________________________________________________________ Thoughts on GopherTime, My Emulator, The Pandemic, ...more? **GOPHERTIME** It's 4:50 EST in the midst of GopherTime. Many people my age begin needing less sleep. Many of my acquaintances piss and moan about this to no end like they're 20-somethings having trouble adulting after an evening on the town. Grow up. For me, I'm reveling in the miracle of having two more hours every day in which to do... stuff. I've opted to insert these two extra hours between 05:59:59 and 06:00:00. In common parlance one might say I wake up at 4am now. Unless my faithful companion is in the midst of a bout of dementia triggered anxiety and needs me to be present with her, this has become "Gopher Time". Am I reading your latest Phlog Post? I hope so. My usual route takes me to Circumlinar & SDF's Latest Phlog Entries and the Bongusta! & Moko-Pona aggregators. <> **MY EMULATOR** Let me take a moment here to plug some new content on my root gophermap. I decided that I would try learning C (again) by picking a larger multi-faceted project rather that hammering on countless, pointless 'exercises'. Enter the "Little Man Computer". The LMC was one of those classic attempts (ca 1968) to introduce machine execution via Anthropomorphic description. You can learn just about anything you want to about LMC "Ver. 68" from it's Wikipedia entry. It was typical of these efforts I feel. The Little Man had a wall of Mailboxes, a Calculator, and a Boss to tell him what to do. The machine used Harvard Architecture and Calculations, I/O, & addresses were base 10. My version (LMC Mk.V) is byte oriented with a Von Neuman architecture and is Touring Complete. I've added a handful of instructions but it's still a RISC machine like the original. Rom is mapped to the lowest 0xFF bytes and contains a boot loader that accepts binary files as well as room for future system-wide data. I'm writing some simple routines to check its functionality at this point but dream of writing a 4K BASIC. I code like a Cave Man with a hangover so we'll see how far I get on THAT idea. :-D **PANDEMIC** It's 05:30 EST, Wednesday. It's -2C and I can hear the rain in the gutters... not a good combination. It's also 19:30 Thursday in Seoul. Uh. I worry for my friend and his family. There's nothing I can do to protect them. Soon, as their healthcare system becomes overwhelmed, there will be nothing anyone else can do for them. Their fate rests in their own vigilance and blind luck and I want to puke. It's coming for 'Murica too. My wife and I have plans in motion though I feel that less than 1% of the population in my provincial backwater are even thinking much about it. Dark Thoughts. Stay focused on Vigilance and just let the Fates do what they would. I think I would like to write a post on my (fairly personal) plans for when this thing hits "The North Country". It might help our mutual mindset. But I don't know if I'm just coming off as an alarmist, or prepper, or jumping the gun. I'd ask for your input on this [thenumberSixtyTwo]connolly[circleA] gmail[period]com if you're so inclined. It's 05:57 EST and time to rouse my wife and pour her coffee. Remember to Smile Today! ____________________________________________________________