CAPTAIN'S PHLOG 2020.04.10 _____________________________________________________________ It was rainy and cold last night. When dawn comes today I expect more of the same. To busy myself I threw together these silly squad level miniature rules to go with my Russian 54mm Tehnolog figures. If you're not familiar with them they are "toy soldiers" but some of the sculpts are quite dynamic and there is a wide range of subjects to choose from. I enjoy painting them because my eyes just can't do justice to twenty-eights any more. I hope they amuse you. Drop me a line: [theNumberSixtyTwo]connolly[circleA][GoogleDomain] _____________________________________________________________ The Rules! (with no name) A set of fast-play low-realism rules I wrote to stave off boredom. _____________________________________________________________ For two players. Use any consistent figure scale. Played on a square grid. Individual squares should fit the figures' bases. (For example 2.5cm squares would be appropriate for 25-30mm) (I use 5cm squares with my 54mm figures) Each player controls a BAND made up of FIGHTERS. Bands should normally be of equal size unless providing a handicap or as dictated by a scenario. Randomization is accomplished through a deck of standard playing cards. The deck is shuffled and split evenly into two personal draw piles. Each player will shuffle one joker into their personal draw pile. Each player begins the game with a hand of six cards drawn from their draw pile. If a player runs out of cards they will shuffle their spent card pile. This becomes their new personal draw pile. A FIGHTER is either capable of RANGED or HAND-TO-HAND fighting based upon the figure's sculpted primary weapon. Players should populate the board with terrain in whatever manner they agree to. Players take turns activating FIGHTERS. On a player's turn they will: 1) Draw cards to bring their hand size back up to six. 2) Nominate a FIGHTER to activate. 3) Play a card from their hand indicating the activated figure's MOVEMENT in squares for the turn. 4) Expend MOVEMENT and ATTACK in any order until they announce the end of their turn. MOVEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- MOVEMENT is to orthogonal squares only. FIGHTERS may not pass through or end their move in a square occupied by another FIGHTER. After moving, the current player places their played movement card in their spent card pile. A figure may jump one square for every two points of movement used with a minimum of four movement points spent. Spending four movement points moves a figure two squares jumping over one intervening square, spending six jumps over two intervening squares, et cetera. A jump must be in a straight line. ATTACKING ------------------------------------------------------------- On any activation, a FIGHTER may make one ATTACK. A FIGHTER making a HAND-TO-HAND attack must end their movement upon initiating an attack and may not move further on this turn. RANGED attacks may be made against any opposing FIGHTER in LINE-OF-SIGHT and at any point during MOVEMENT. To make an ATTACK, the attacking and defending player each select a card from their hand. The cards are then compared with the player playing the higher value card winning the trick. If a player wins by four or more points the loosing player will remove their figure from play. Whatever the scale of the result, the winning player keeps both cards in their personal spent card pile. TERRAIN ------------------------------------------------------------- More terrain translates into a more interesting game. All terrain occupies squares. There are different types of terrain including SET DRESSING, WALLS, DOORS, PITS, and OBSTACLES. SET DRESSING has mo effect on game play but does make for a more attractive and realistic play area. WALLS are impassible. Fighters may not scale walls or enter a square occupied by a wall. Each game begins with all DOORS closed. A player may spend one movement point to open or close a door. Players may pass through or end their turn in an open doorway. An exception are Star-Trek-Doors which open/close when a figure enters/exits their square. Ending movement in any door-frame keeps it from closing. PITS may only be crossed by JUMPing. A figure ending it's movement in a pit is removed from play. OBSTACLES take more effort to cross. Navigate them as per pits. THE JOKERS ------------------------------------------------------------- A player may play their joker as soon as their opponent reveals one single card for movement or attack. The player of the joker dictates a new value for the targeted card. Example: If an attacker reveals a Queen, the opposing player may immediately reveal their joker and declare "You actually played a six" or two or whatever. Cards are placed in the spent card pile as normal. However a played joker must be placed in the other players spent card pile. A joker may be used to cancel the effect of a joker with each player placing their joker in their own spent card pile.