CAPTAIN'S PHLOG 2020.04.11 _____________________________________________________________ Marusu's Phlog: I stumbled upon this Sundog's writing and quite enjoyed it. There is some teen angst there, such is that age, but their style is vibrant & enjoyable. They have a lot they need to say and they say it very well. I hope they keep practicing their craft. [ gopher:// ] ------------------------------------------------------------- "...on the Che Guevara Highway filling up on gasoline, Fidel Castro's brother spies a rich lady who is crying over luxury's disappointments so he walks over and he's trying to sympathize with her but he feels that he should warn her that the Third World is just around the corner." In my About.txt I mention that I'm a vegan but I'm not a duche about it. But as that "new month smell" starts to wear off April 2020, a caveat is called for. A teacher of mine once said "there's nothing worse than a reformed smoker" and a similar thing can be said about Vegans in that reformed omnivores are infufferable. It was a little over a year ago that I finally turned my back on industrial animal slavery. Let's back up. Modern places that house cows for milk production arn't farms. Farms have only as many head as a family can tend without a staff and equipment budget costing more than a waterfront home in the Hamptons. Not only does a farm have a small herd but each cow lives a life of at least some quality. It is not unusual that they will be born on the farm and raised with their mothers. Most importantly, they will have a social life. This sounds odd I know but a farm cow will spend most of it's day pasturing under the sky with a herd, social and well adjusted. I live in farm country, yet would need to drive many miles to find only a handful of such places. Most of those are Amish. Authentic. Contrast this with Western Agribusiness. There was an industry I drove past on a regular basis. Through the open door, I would see cows standing shoulder to shoulder like the extras in that Star Trek episode with the mock-up Enterprise on that overpopulated planet. They //LIVE// like that. Stunted. No room to move around or recline without jostling others. A constant state of tension. Hormonally energised bags of milk with bio-support systems attached. Imprisoned. Tortured. But the fact is these cows are only prisoners of the first world, like the woman who assembled this keyboard, or the child who picked my cabbage. I hate the agribusinessman who lives in the large house UPWIND of the 'free-stall' and some day when enough folks wake up we will neuter him - his land appropriated to cultivate food that feeds people. Think of it. The nutrition that goes into each of those enslaved bivids redirected to HUMANS! Though, were I a local or visitor in some removed place where goat herds were tended by families on the commons I wouldn't be compelled to eschew meat or dairy. Those lifeways are authentic and I would be the worst sort of 'Murican to suggest my values are relivant to that world or to refuse their hospitality when they offered it. Perhaps the world where I share my neighbor's goat is just around the corner? Stay Well. Stay Safe. Share Love.