In an Anarchist Future There is Only Work ...For around sixteen hours per week on average. It will be USEFUL and FULFILLING. The only goal being to safeguard the comfort of your community. It will be ELECTIVE with no person ever being required to do any task. Even 'less than enjoyable jobs' will be handled easily as they have been since the first glimmers of human society by turning them into friendly competitions or sources of prestige. It will be GREENER than anything we currently know. With no place for corporate competition, only the amount of work needed to achieve an end will be required - not the over effort of multiple companies trying to be on top of the heap, and NOONE will be driving thirty minutes every day to waste their life in a cubicle just because their children need to eat. Mass laziness isn't a concern. Like you, most people desire to be productive and only slack off in the current world because their jobs are meaningless. When a rogue person quits participating in community building it will likely be resulting from some emotional stress (depression, mental illness, etc) and will be responded to with encouragement and support. If you did "capitalist busy work" in sales, insurance, or the banking industry for example you will want to find ways to contribute to your community but YOU will be free to choose the details. It's called self control. "This sounds like chaos!" I hear you cry. Next in this series: "In an Anarchist future there is only order"