THE PRETEXT: Why my fellow Gophers are an alright bunch. So there I was, cruising the PhlogoSphere on the good ship Bongusta [1] when I burrowed into one persons latest phlog post where I discovered that we seem to hail from the same neck of the woods (and it IS all woods up here, believe me). So I decided to [*del*] stalk them [*del*] check out a bit more of their gopher hole. It was here that I first discovered the concept of Now Pages. I really enjoyed their personal Now page (really part of their landing page). There were the expected little workaday tidbits that help add depth and color to a fellow Gopher Wrangler. But there was also three lines that packed a powerful personal discovery for them. Its beautiful and Im glad for being witness to anothers personal development. THE TEXT: Vanity of Vanities! (So very much) is Vanity! Following their advice about Now pages, I fired up a graphical web browser (I havent had the guts to delete mine yet) and sought out nownownow ...or was that four nows? [2]. If youre on a slow connection, this page will make you notice it for sure. I certainly did find some interesting folks in this Now page agregator [3] but the place was downright lousy with sobriquets the likes of Inner Searching Coach. There were countless Strategists, Consultants, Entrepreneurs, etc. The highly pixelated Engagement and Retention Specialist was quite funny. Sorry, what the hell is a User Experience Designer or an Online Presence Manager any-who? Oh and before I forget, a BIG shout out to Matt Grant, "Beginner" for keepin it real! Matt also has designed a clean and beautiful website for himself. You would feel right at home in GopherSpace Matt! I found the majority of nownownows to be just another outlet for narcissism in the vein of FreindFace [4] and its more ubiquitous clones. Back in my day we would just finger each other at our terminals and we felt much more satisfaction. I can tell you THAT! ...where was I? Oh! Right, so Now pages. Great notion. Maybe a little re-inventing the wheel there but certainly something Ill be taking for a test-drive in my hole soon. Nownownow? Not so much. I found it all too much about putting on airs. Your mileage may vary. [1] gopher:// [2] [3] including Petra Elster Ari Koinuma Matt Grant [4]