(IMG) Picture of ROYGBYTE
       I started this website about 2 years ago as I got back into
       programming. It was a way for me to document software and computer
       languages I endeavoured to learn. Overtime the purpose and scope of my
       site has grown and shifted. The coding adventures are still there, but
       I use it increasingly as a way to document and share meaningful
       moments in my life. There are comics to reflect my heart. Photographs
       to reflect my world. All together traces of light around where I've
       been, where I'm at, and where I want to go.
       This website is probably the most important place in my life. This
       small, special sanctuary is something I can build bit by byte without
       having to worry much about whether I'm doing it rightly or wrongly. I
       discover where I want to go and how to get there in small measures of
       time. I build, destroy, and rebuild; and overtime I get a little bit
       closer to tracing the perfect digital imprint of my life. The feelings
       associated with having and sharing this website contain rich
       satisfactions I've found nowhere else. I hope it might mean something
       to you, too.
       I really wish I was a genius programmer. I'm not. I struggle through
       logical thinking and computer programming. My saving graces are that
       I'm persistent and patient, two necessary qualities for those who lack
       raw intellect. So I push on, learning how to learn better so I can
       slowly grow my skills and experiences.
       I like programming because it lets me build things I can use. Little
       scripts to ease my computer workflow. Programs to help me study and
       learn. I also enjoy programming because it lets me build things that
       are entirely use-less. Gimmicks and experiments, silly programs that
       poke fun at how humans use computers.
       I've made some small contributions to free and open source
       software. My patches are not big or meaningful. I'm do what little I
       can to contribute to the software I cherish. This has included:
       documentation and bug fixes to EMMS, improvements to KOReader's
       RSS/Atom plugin, examples and ncurses bindings (wip!) to cl-charms,
       and a footnote style to org-modern. I'm proud of these contributions
       though they are meagre.
       Off-screen Time
       I have a lot of hobbies I enjoy outside of computers: cooking,
       cleaning, gardening, gaming, dancing, taking baths, drawing,
       printmaking, reading, and running. I don't do these things all time. I
       kind of sway between my different interests, activating one or the
       other depending on the season and my emotional needs.
       Consistent through many of the activities I enjoy is a solitude. I am
       often alone or with some small form of social connection by my side
       (IRC, SMS, Email). It's not easy for me to be like on my own, and I
       often contain a searching feeling for contact. At my best, I can use
       this feeling as fuel for my interests. I dig deeper and I uncover
       curious rocks and gems to share with others when I finally come up for
 (IMG) My favorite thing to do is think about what to do.
       In those moments when my romances are budding I find such rich
       feelings of activation and growth. Through the loving eyes of another
       I've stumbled into parts of myself I wouldn't otherwise find, nurture,
       and cherish. New skills, habits, outlooks, ideas, and feelings have
       all found there way into me--and out of me--because of the people with
       whom I've shared intimacy. I've learned how much I like to care, cook,
       and fuss over a loved one. I've learned how far I'll go to resolve
       conflict, ease disagreements, and find compromise. I've learned the
       whole thing is precious and fragile. Romances can light ablaze in an
       instance and be extinguished in the blink of an eye.
       Culture is what I cherish most in my relationships. Together building
       a repertoire of habits, activities, words, mannerisms, and memories. I
       so deeply desire the deep and intricate connections that can make a
       culture of two possible. And I so deeply become hurt, distraught, and
       divided when a relationship ends and that culture is taken away.
 (IMG) Meet new people by leaving your comfort zone.
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