Hi, I am a computer user in training. I'm not very good with these
       tools but I'm trying! So hard! Please forgive me for being a n00b.
       Operating Systems
       - 2023: Void, OpenBSD
       - 2017: Ubuntu, Windows 10
       - 2009: MacOS X
       I don't remember the first operating system I ever used. I suspect it
       was Windows 95, 98, or 2000. I was a kid and only interested in
       computers for the games they could play. But I did other things,
       too. Packed into my memories of playing Roller Coster Tycoon,
       Restaurant Empire, and other cereal box games are memories of using
       Ask Jeeves and HotBot to search the web, Dreamweaver to build silly
       websites, AVG anti-virus to remove malware, and pressing a spring
       loaded power button to power off the computer when its processes went
       I used Windows (XP, Vista) up until I begged my Dad for a Macbook,
       which I eventally received. I used the mac for photo and video
       editing, instant messaging, and writing very basic HTML/CSS. My first
       exposure to Linux happened during this time, around 2007. I booted
       into a live image of Slackware in order to get iPod Linux and Rockbox
       on my iPod 5G. I also played around with Ubuntu live disks, which I
       got in the mail and used without much comprehension out
       outcomes. Though I dipped my toes with these experiences they were
       hardly proper introductions to the land of Linux. It would be another
       decade until I'd gather real insights and experiences into UNIX-like
       operating systems.
       Over time I upgraded one Macbook to another, added a dual boot into
       Ubuntu, and expanded my computer use into programming (Android
       development, Processing, Java, Arduino) persisting with this ecosystem
       until 2017 when I bought a Dell laptop, which I use to this day. Up
       until summer 2023, I had both Ubuntu and Windows partitions on the
       laptop. Windows I needed for Adobe Creative Cloud software like
       Illustrator and InDesign. Ubuntu I needed for web development and
       menial programming tasks. The dual boot setup was a pain in the
       arse. Many times the GRUB bootloader would get wacked by a Windows
       update. And when my workflow demanded software from both operating
       systems in sequence, I'd have to accept the inconvenience of a power
       cycle. Ugh.
       I switched to a new hard drive with a single Void parition in the summer of 2023. Void is lean and uncluttered. The full-disk encryption guide I followed didn't even include a step to setup X (I had to learn muself how to install `X' and configure my `.xinitrc' file to launch `i3' when I invoke `startx' in `tty'.) In fact, for even the most basic, taken-for-granted functions like connecting to a wireless network, [1|suspending the computer with a lock screen|/how_to_sleep_in_void.gph||70], and [1|connecting to external displays|/switching_between_tv_and_laptop_display.gph||70] I've had to learn, read, and ask. The outcome of all this toiling, head scratching, and tears is that I know quite a bit more about Linux.
       I learned about Void from some IRC buddies, one of which suggested I
       look into Deviun, too. Devuian is a fork of Debian and Void is
       from-scratch. I searched both out from a few angles: quality of
       documentation, popularity and user base size, origins and mission
       statement, packages available for installation. Ultimately, I chose
       Void because I knew people using it, understood its documentation, and
       perceived the quality of its codebase to be good. I've not been
       disappointed by any of these attributes.
       I love the challenge of using Void. But I'm also frequently frustrated
       by my ignorance. I suspect it will take me another decade to
       understand everything well enough about Linux to feel uninhibited and
       uninconvenienced by my computer. Interestingly, the Windows computer I
       use at work makes me feel inhibited and inconvienced despite it being
       "easier" to use. Sometimes things just don't work, and I don't know
       how to find out why. I believe it boils down to this contrast: as a
       Linux user I have to work towards my computer's improvement by
       continually growing on what I understand; as a Windows I've have to
       work towards accepting that there will be things beyond my control and
       I've also begun dipping my toes in BSDs. I have two OpenBSD systems: a virutal server that hosts my website and gopher, and a phyical computer that I setup to use for the [1|Old Computer Challenge|/old_computer_challenge.gph||70]. My use of either machine is minimal. I don't fuss with them much. They were setup by following I dont yet understand how the BSD kernel differs from the Linux kernel. I still have to read more about OpenBSD to understand a bit more of how and why it works the way it does.
       - 2023: ed
       - 2020: Emacs
       - 2016: Visual Studio Code
       - 2014: IntelliJ
       I started using Emacs about 3 years ago. Its users are definitely part
       of a cult. Great. Every good editor should be cult forming. Otherwise
       how will you be able to tease the people who use and understand the
       thing you don't?
 (IMG) monochwome.png
       Emacs is highly extensible and well documented. Going from novice to
       expert requires knowing maybe two dozen basic key commands and having
       an appetite for Lisp. I got there. Eventually. It was worth it. Emacs
       has become my text editor, , , and . Given how much of my workflow had
       consolidated into Emacs, it seemed to me I was on track to living an
       life in Emacs (heck, if I could get a boyfriend in Emacs I probably
       would)! But that all changed when I started exploring programs like
       `lynx', `mutt', `weechat', and `ed'.
       As a result of coercion from people on IRC I got to know `ed' and
       started using him for remedial tasks like editing my crontab or
       changing config files on my server. And you know, `ed' is a really
       powerful tool! : `ed' is *the standard*. And he's good for my brain!
       I've noticed that it forces me to try and remember what's in the file
       and where (or at least make a guess). The keybindings are elegant and
       simple. It reduces the experience information overload I sometimes get
       when looking at a file. It's pretty cool. I'm excited to see where
       this `ed'-itor takes me!
       - 2023: Lynx
       - 2022: w3m, eww
       - 2010: Firefox, Chrome
       - 2005: ???
       I've used other browser in the past (I remember Flock from the early
       aughts,) but it's really just the big three--Chrome, Firefox, and
       Lynx--with which I have a personal history. Of the three, Chrome has
       been the most damaging to my health. That I even touched Chrome was a
       big mistake. Like smoking, it was a difficult habit to
       kick. Everything I had was so well integrated into Chrome: emails,
       passwords, and bookmarks. Ugh. Eventually I got away from Chrome. I
       sought refuge in Firefox, something I had used in the past. I use
       FireFox everyday as a full featured browser.
       For a lighter browsing experience I use a text-based browser. `eww'
       was the first of this kind I used. It's a browser inside Emacs, for
       the unaware. It's quite primitive, but I found it integrated well into
       my Emacs workflow. It was easy to get at and try. Eventually I learned
       about `w3m', which actually can be used from Emacs too. Presently I
       used `w3m' inside of Emacs for browsing the CommonLisp hyperspec. But
       for most other easy-browsing tasks I use Lynx. Lynx! I love you, Lynx!
       - 2022: Corne, Reviung41
       - 2015: Ergodox Infinity
       - 2013: Das Keyboard
       I've been into keyboards (and typing) for a while. In high school I
       plucked the keycaps off my Macbook Pro keyboard and rearranged them
       into a Dvorak layout. Ever since then I've been riding that
       keymap. Woo!
       I've moved through a few different keyboards. The Das Keyboard was my
       first mechanical keeb. After using that for a year or so I boogied up
       to the Ergodox Infinity, which I ended up using for 7 years without
       Last summer I decided to upgrade to a newer mechanical keyboard. I
       reasoned this wise to do because I'd be starting a part-time computer
       science program in the fall. For sure I thought everyone would show up
       to the labs with their own mechanical keyboards. For sure. As it turns
       out I was the only person to get the message.
       Anyways, I bought Corne and Reviung41 kits. The Corne is a detached
       split with 42 keys, quite the step down from the Ergodox's vaste
       landscape of keys. The Reviung is a split with 41 keys. The Reviung I
       bought for bringing the class. The Corne was to replace the Ergodox at
       home. Initially I was a bit afraid I wouldn't like the layered
       experience, where some keys are used to shift into other layers making
       other keys available. And now? I don't think I'd ever go back :) It's
       so cozy keeping the paws centered on the keys. I feel very little
       strain after a day of serious warrior-ing. Happy paws!
       Switches are a whole other thing, and I'm not a big switch nerd. I
       started with Cherry MX "Browns" in the Das, and then mostly randomly
       chose The Zelios purple switches for my Ergodox infinity. I liked the
       Zealios quite a bit and also felt some allegiance to the company,
       given I'd used those switches for quite a while. So when it came time
       to bulid out the Corne and Reviung I chose Zelios again. I have a pair
       of clacky (not to be confused with clicky!) clears--my favourite--And
       tactile silents. I use the silents during the workday and switch to
       the clacky's at night. (It's actually quite nice to switch between
       boards for the different programming contexts. This was a surprise
 (IMG) keyboards-compare.jpg
       - 2023: Awk
       - 2022: Bash, ELisp, CommonLisp
       - 2021: Lua
       - 2015: JavaScript
       - 2014: PHP
       - 2013: Java
       - 2012: Processing
       My first exposure to programming was through , a dumbed-down Java IDE
       and programming environment that encourages visual exploration. I was
       quite the tender foot then. I remember asking the professor why anyone
       would ever want to program. Lol. Since then I've moved through lots of
       languages though not everything sticks. I've flirted with
       Haskell. I've admired C. I cast thirsty looks towards Rust. The list
       above captures languages that've been more than a one-night stand.
       I have a huge crush on Lisp dialects. I really dig the syntax and
       structure of these programs. The history of the language is also
       important to me. Being a snot-nosed brat of the garbage collected
       world, I really suffer from strongly typed languages. Using Lisps at
       least I can say I'm with the language that did it first.
       Bash and Shell are my ride or die. I really get around with these
       guys. They're super useful, well documented, and easy to get along
       with. They help me optimize my workflow and have fun without getting
       too deep into "what this all means". And when Awk gets involved the
       heat really turns up! Love you, Awk.
       Computer Hardware
       - 2017: Dell XPS15 (9560)
       - 2011: Macbook Pro
       I was an Apple fanboy in my twenties and teens. Luckily I got out in
       time to avoid the perils of a full Jobsian transformation. Since then
       I've been using a Dell XPS. It has been a solid machine. Every now and
       then I get tempted into upgrading. But it works, so why bother, right?
 (IMG) lappy-dell.jpg
 (IMG) lappy-apple.jpg
       My one reserve about my hardware history is that I have very little
       experience with desktops. I find this kind of sad, since they're more
       powerful, easily upgrade-able, and all-around sick
       looking. Incidentally, I inherited an old Lenovo ThinkCentre 3 years
       ago. My first desktop in ~13 years! I'd like to get it up and running
       and use it for an "old computer challenge" before turning it into a
       server (or, hell, maybe using it as my primary?)
       - 2023: IRC
       - 2022: Matrix
       - 2020: Signal
       - 2017: Telegram
       - 2011: Messenger
       - 2003: MSN
       Of all the above messaging platforms, IRC is the only one that has
       allowed me to gather new internet friends. I only got onto it this
       year. At first I was quite scared! I had been warned about IRC being
       full of old angry boomers. To my delight it is! ;D And they're happy
       enough to let me move on in and setup in the chat as a weirdo! I
       couldn't be happier here :)
       Special shout-out to MSN. I have such rich feelings of nostalgia for
       that application.
       Window Managers
       - 2022: i3
       - 2017: Gnome
       Switching to a tilling window manager has changed my computer life so
       profoundly, I would *die* if I couldn't use one anymore. I went from
       struggling to arrange workspaces with a mouse (literally, I would make
       audible groans trying to move windows) to not even having to think
       about what goes where.
       Atom/RSS Feeds
       - 2023: sfeed
       - 2022: Thunderbird, Gazette
       - 2021: NewsDownloader
       Syndicated feeds are not a big part of my life. But I'd like them to
       be! Imagine: knowing what's updated on websites or blogs without
       having to visit them individually? Gosh.
       I used to maintain the RSS/Atom plugin for KOReader. Eventually I
       endeavoured to replace the plugin with my own creation, Gazette. The
       plugin works and I spent a lot of time building it (I even had to
       build an EPUB library as part of the effort). It's a bit of a mess
       though because unfortunately I was an aspiring Computer Science
       student at the time. A bunch of gross Java ideas and garbage seeped
       into the structure of the program. Ew.
       Music Player
       - mocp
       - mpv
       - emms
       - Spotify
       - Web Developer
       - Printer
       - Teacher
       - Web Developer
       - Student
       I tried to get away from web development. I really did. I tried so
       damn hard. I became a graphic design and publishing teacher. I learned
       to do letterpress and offset printing, eventually starting a small
       print business. I couldn't stay away. Teaching is a precarious field,
       and printing an industry that pays little. After suffering through
       these prospects I stuck it up and took the first web developer job
       that would have me. Incidentally, it was also the first web developer
       job I'd applied to in 2 years. Lucky me!
       I've been at my current employ for 2 years. It has helped me discover
       that I'm quite good at helping people use software. I even kind of
       like it! I enjoy teaching skills, explaining concepts, and encouraging
       people to advance their understanding of technology. Having taught
       (and enjoyed it) I should have known this much was obvious. But it
       took a technical position for me to realize how much I enjoy working
       with people /and/ technology.
       If I'm being honest, I don't want to remain a web developer/customer
       support hybrid for the rest of my life. But I'm not sure *what* I want
       to be. I'm intrigued by UX work, which I've done in part at my current
       job. I'm also allured by backend development, although I doubt I've
       got the chops. For now anyways, I'm getting the bills paid and that's
       what counts.