A brief reflection on comics and coding. Includes images!
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       I've always liked artistic expression. Expressing myself with text,
       image, and color is what eventually led me into web design, which led
       me to wherever the heck I am know. At some point down that road, I
       learned about Why the Lucky Stiff's guide to Ruby. Learning is a funny
       thing, because I didn't actually pick up much about Ruby from that
       book. It's a great introduction to the language, but it isn't the
       language itself that interested me. See, Why's book is an
       unconventional introduction to the language. It's full of stories,
       jokes, made-up characters, comics, and wacky ways of thinking about
       syntax. As I read the book, what I got instead was a sense of wonder
       about how someone could be so moved by a computer programming language
       that they'd fill their book with these uncommon acts of
       appreciation. Why's sense of wonder about Ruby changed me. Seeing his
       drawings and comics and delightful way of thinking about languages
       left a deep impression on my mind and my heart. I'm trying to carry
       some of his ideas forward as I set out on my own journy of art,
       design, and computation.
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