gridview.lua - crossword.koplugin - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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       gridview.lua (4089B)
            1 local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
            2 local Device = require("device")
            3 local Screen = Device.screen
            4 local Size = require("ui/size")
            5 local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
            6 local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange")
            7 local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer")
            8 local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
            9 local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup")
           10 local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
           11 local logger = require("logger")
           12 local ffi = require("ffi")
           14 local SoftKeyboard = require("softkeyboard")
           15 local GridRow = require("gridrow")
           16 local GridSquare = require("gridsquare")
           17 local GridClue = require("gridclue")
           19 local GridView = InputContainer:new{
           20    width = nil,
           21    height = nil,
           22    size = {
           23       cols = nil,
           24       rows = nil,
           25    },
           26    on_tap_callback = nil,
           27    dark_mode = nil,
           28 }
           30 function GridView:init()
           31    self.dimen = Geom:new{
           32       w = self.width or Screen:getWidth(),
           33       h = self.height or Screen:getHeight(),
           34    }
           35    self.outer_padding = Size.padding.large
           36    self.inner_padding = Size.padding.small
           37    self.inner_dimen = Geom:new{
           38       w = self.dimen.w - 2 * self.outer_padding,
           39       h = self.dimen.h - self.outer_padding, -- no bottom padding
           40    }
           41    self.content_width = self.inner_dimen.w
           42    -- The pixel dimensions of the squares. Calculate the initial width based on the size
           43    -- of the device and the number of columns. Then make a minor adjustment to account for
           44    -- the margins. To do this, divide margin in 4 and multiply by the number of columns.
           45    self.square_margin = 1 --Size.border.window
           46    self.square_width = math.floor(
           47       (self.dimen.w - (2 * self.outer_padding) - (2 * self.inner_padding))
           48       / self.size.cols)
           49    -- (cont) it should be self.size.cols because that's what we're adjusting for.
           50    self.square_height = self.square_width
           51    -- Computer the presumed height of the grid.
           52    self.grid_height = self.size.rows * self.square_height
           53    self:render()
           54 end
           56 function GridView:render()
           57    -- Build the row and add the squares.
           58    self.rows_view = VerticalGroup:new { border = 0 }
           59    for row_num, grid_row in ipairs(self.grid) do
           60       local row =  self:buildRow(grid_row, row_num)
           61       table.insert(self.rows_view, row)
           62    end
           63    -- Build the container.
           64    local gray = ffi.typeof("Color8")(0x22)
           65    self[1] = FrameContainer:new{
           66       width = self.inner_dimen.w,
           67       height = self.inner_dimen.h,
           68       padding = self.outer_padding,
           69       padding_bottom = 0,
           70       margin = 0,
           71       bordersize = 0,
           72       background = (self.dark_mode and gray or Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK),
           73       VerticalGroup:new{
           74          align = "center",
           75          -- Add the rows vertical group.
           76          self.rows_view,
           77       }
           78    }
           79 end
           80 -- Method to help me remember to update only the parts of the grid that need to
           81 -- be updated as the player interacts with the grid.
           82 function GridView:updateGrid(grid)
           83    self.grid = grid
           84 end
           86 function GridView:updateClue(clue_value)
           87    self.active_clue = clue_value
           88 end
           89 -- Given a table containing letters, build a row containing
           90 -- squares with said letters.
           91 function GridView:buildRow(squares, row_num)
           92    local row = GridRow:new{
           93       width = self.inner_dimen.w,
           94       height = self.square_height,
           95    }
           96    for col_num, square in ipairs(squares) do
           97       row:addSquare(GridSquare:new{
           98             width = self.square_width,
           99             height = self.square_height,
          100             margin = self.square_margin,
          101             letter_value = square.letter,
          102             number_value = square.number,
          103             state = square.state,
          104             status = square.status,
          105             row_num = row_num, -- we pass the row and col so that
          106             col_num = col_num, -- the tap callback can propagate values back
          107             dark_mode = self.dark_mode,
          108             on_tap_callback = function(row_num, col_num)
          109                self.on_tap_callback(row_num, col_num)
          110             end
          111       })
          112    end
          113    row:update()
          114    return row
          115 end
          117 function GridView:addChars(chars)
          118    if self.add_chars_callback then
          119       self.add_chars_callback(chars)
          120    end
          121 end
          123 return GridView