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       This is a test site that contains my old notes that I created elsewhere
       over the years.
       After reading this fascinating August 2016 MinnPost article titled "The
       rise and fall of the Gopher protocol", I decided to setup my own gopher
 (HTM) Rise and Fall of the Gopher protocol
       I found a lot of gopher help and related info at:
 (DIR) gopher.floodgap.com
       Here at gopher.soupmode.com, I'm using the Bucktooth gopher server.
 (DIR) BuckTooth Gopher Server
       Most or all Gopher clients can display HTML, which sort of defeats the
       purpose of gopher, but I found the creation and display of gopher text
       files a little annoying, especially when displayed on the phone. But
       maybe reading a gopher file comfortably on the phone is asking too much.
       On the iPhone, I'm using the gopher client called iGopher.
 (HTM) iGopher app