================================== ===== 14-11-2015 ===== ================================== Let's start this phlog now. I have been thinking about it for more than a year. Lately, finishing a tedious and very frustrating job (translation), I felt that it is time again for writing. Writing never feels frustrating, it is always a pleasure (that translating has never been. Why?) "Always late to the party" was chosen as a title but one might also take it for a motto: often I am pondering about joining something - examining, considering, hesitating - and when I finally decide to go for it, everybody else is already somewhere else and I arrive at an abandoned place. Gopher is just one extreme example. What am I going to write about here? As for topics I usually do not like to limit myself in any way. It will help, when apart from technical matters you would be interested in various cultural and political issues and even like to step aside and take a look at "the big picture" from time to time. Or else you'll be bored. This might even be the right place for a much more intimate style of writing. After all, there are not that many people around. And those that are around, shouldn't they be considered fellow travelers?