/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* this is a program to compile statistics from mmailr... */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include #include int lclwakeups = 0; int lclusefull = 0; int rtmwakeups = 0; int rtmusefull = 0; int ntwwakeups = 0; int ntwusefull = 0; int mmcnt =0; int babcnt =0; int remcnt =0; int voicnt =0; int chacnt = 0; int reqcnt = 0; int defcnt =0; int rcvcnt =0; int bbcnt =0; int actcnt =0; int dmpcnt =0; int sndcnt =0; int sdfcnt =0; int rtncnt =0; int bdycnt =0; int inqcnt =0; int cafcnt =0; int maicnt =0; /* * Forward definitions. */ void do1log(); void do2log(); void do3log(); void outstats(); main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { do1log(); do2log(); do3log(); outstats(); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* prefixed says if str2 is prefixed by str1 */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ prefixed(str1,str2) char *str1,*str2; { int test; test = 0; /* * Strip leading blanks. */ while (*str2 == ' ') { str2++; } while ((*str1) && (test = (*str1++ == toupper(*str2++)))); return(test); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* substring says if str1 is a substring of str2 */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ substring(str1,str2) char *str1,*str2; { int result; result = 0; while ((*str2) && !(result = prefixed(str1,str2++))); return(result); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* do1log handles the file mail:1-mmailr.log checking it for local mail */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ void do1log() { FILE *logfile; char buffer[512]; int num; char datebuffer[20]; if ((logfile = fopen("mail:1-mmailr.log","r")) == NULL) { printf("\ncould not open mail:1-mmailr.log for reading\n"); return; } num = fscanf(logfile,"%s",datebuffer); printf("\n*************"); printf("\n* %9s *\n",datebuffer); printf("*************\n\n"); while (!feof(logfile)) { num = fscanf(logfile, "%*s%*s%[^\n]",buffer); if (prefixed("DAEMON WAKEUP",buffer)) { lclwakeups++; continue; } if (prefixed("PROCESSING OF RECIPIENTS DEFERRED UNTIL",buffer)) { defcnt++; continue; } if (prefixed("DONE, REQUEUED",buffer)) { reqcnt++; continue; } if (substring(": OK",buffer)) { rcvcnt++; if (prefixed("PS:",buffer)) bbcnt++; continue; } if (prefixed("FILE ",buffer)) { lclusefull++; if (substring("-MM-",buffer)) { mmcnt++; continue; } if (substring("-BABYL.",buffer)) { babcnt++; continue; } if (substring("-MAISER-",buffer)) { maicnt++; continue; } if (substring("-SYSJB1-",buffer)) { remcnt++; continue; } if (substring("NEW-VM-",buffer)) { voicnt++; continue; } if (substring("-CHAOS-MAIL-",buffer)) { chacnt++; continue; } if (substring("-CAFARD-",buffer)) { cafcnt++; continue; } if (substring(".NEW-FILE-NOTIFICATION.",buffer)) { dmpcnt++; continue; } if (substring("--RETURNED-MAIL--",buffer)) { rtncnt++; continue; } if (substring("-ACCOUNT-",buffer)) { actcnt++; continue; } if (substring("-INQUIRE-",buffer)) { inqcnt++; continue; } if (substring("-SNDMSG-",buffer)) { sndcnt++; continue; } if (substring("-SNDFIL-",buffer)) { sdfcnt++; continue; } if (substring("-HB-NOTICE-",buffer) || substring("-HAPPY-BIRTHDAY-",buffer)) { bdycnt++; continue; } printf("\nunknown sender : %s\n",buffer); } } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* do2log handles statistics for 2-mmailr.log to find network mail */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ void do2log() { FILE *logfile; char buffer[512]; int num; if ((logfile = fopen("mail:2-mmailr.log","r")) == NULL) { printf("\ncould not open mail:2-mmailr.log for reading\n"); return; } while (!feof(logfile)) { num = fscanf(logfile, "%*s%*s%[^\n]",buffer); if (prefixed("DAEMON WAKEUP",buffer)) ntwwakeups++; if (prefixed("FILE ",buffer)) ntwusefull++; if (prefixed("PROCESSING OF RECIPIENTS DEFERRED UNTIL",buffer)) { defcnt++; } if (prefixed("DONE, REQUEUED",buffer)) { reqcnt++; } } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* do3log handles 3-mmailr.log to get retransmit data */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ void do3log() { FILE *logfile; char buffer[512]; int num; if ((logfile = fopen("mail:3-mmailr.log","r")) == NULL) { printf("\ncould not open mail:3-mmailr.log for reading\n"); return; } while (!feof(logfile)) { num = fscanf(logfile, "%*s%*s%[^\n]",buffer); if (prefixed("DAEMON WAKEUP",buffer)) { rtmwakeups++; } if (prefixed("FILE ",buffer)) { rtmusefull++; } if (prefixed("PROCESSING OF RECIPIENTS DEFERRED UNTIL",buffer)) { defcnt++; } if (prefixed("DONE, REQUEUED",buffer)) { reqcnt++; } } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* outsats prints out the statistics that we found... */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ void outstats() { printf("local wakeups : %5d useful local wakeups : %5d\n", lclwakeups,lclusefull); printf("network wakeups : %5d useful network wakeups : %5d\n", ntwwakeups,ntwusefull); printf("retrans wakeups : %5d useful retrans wakeups : %5d\n", rtmwakeups,rtmusefull); printf("\nthere were %5d messages sent via MM\n",mmcnt); printf("there were %5d messages sent via Babyl\n",babcnt); printf("there were %5d messages sent via Internet SMTP\n",maicnt); printf("there were %5d messages sent via the REMIND program\n",remcnt); printf("there were %5d messages sent via Voice Mail\n",voicnt); printf("there were %5d messages sent via ChaosMail\n",chacnt); printf("there were %5d messages sent via Cafard\n",cafcnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Dumper\n",dmpcnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Mmailr (failed messages)\n",rtncnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Bday Daemon\n",bdycnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Watson\n",inqcnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Send\n",sndcnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Sndfil\n",sdfcnt); printf("there were %5d messages from Accounts\n",actcnt); printf("\n%d messages were requeued, of which %d were deferred\n", reqcnt,defcnt); printf("\n%d local recipients, of which %d were bboards\n",rcvcnt,bbcnt); }